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Adding Folders to Strava to Organize Big Groups if Activities

  • December 21, 2024
  • 1 reply


IDEA: Add folders as a way to organize certain groups of activities into an easy-to-access place without having to rename all of them with a keyword or phrase. 

WHY: As someone who likes to be organized, which I assume people who use an app to track their activities would also be, I feel that having another option to organize activities would greatly benefit many users. If I want to group a bunch of activities into “summer training” for example, I don't want to rename all of them “summer training.” I also don't want to sort the time period or which type of activity because of how many unrelated activities would also show up through the current filter. By adding folders, Strava users would be able to organize their activities in whatever way they want (allowing more freedom), whether for a training program or a fun trip, without spending forever renaming all of them and forgetting what keyword they used. And then if they want to look back on those activities in the future (for the memories or to see if they've been improving), it is easily accessible and not a pain to look for. 

HOW: An option would appear (in that screen after you complete an activity) offering if you'd want to add the activity to any of your existing folders, or create a new folder to add it to. This would be like adding or removing gear from an activity, not required but just a few taps away if you choose to do so. Once added, it would still be visible to whomever you choose to have it visible to, and still show up in the “Activities” section of your profile. If you wanted to see your folders, you'd go to the “You” part of Strava and your existing folders would be a page you can switch to like activities or stats. When you've tapped on it, you'd have the names of your folders in a list, and when going into one of them, the activities would appear listed like when you search for activities (with each one not taking up the whole screen). 

I think this would be a very beneficial addition to anyone who likes organization, and it wouldn't do any harm to people who choose not to use it. I personally would find it very helpful because of how much I use Strava, and I will answer any questions about clarification. Thank you for reading!

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  • 3519 replies
  • January 8, 2025
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