The help page notes:
> Can I turn off notifications for an activity discussion I participated in?
> Please note that if you comment on or give kudos to an activity, you have effectively 'subscribed' to that activity's conversation, and if
> your settings allow it you will receive a notification of every subsequent comment. At this time, the only way to 'unsubscribe' yourself
> from that conversation is to delete your comment, as shown above.
This results in me receiving many unwanted emails. Typically a comment will say "Well done on your race", other peoples comments are directed towards the original athlete, and not a "conversation". If a popular athlete has had a good race, and I write "well done" I get many unwanted emails notifying me that others have also commented.
I should only be notified about replies to my comment, or for comments that mention me. You should not notify me of comments on other athletes' activities.
As an alternative, it should be possible to turn off email notifications "when someone comments on a post that I have commented on".
Currently the system limits the number of notifications on other people’s comments to five, so the programming to control these notifications exists. I would like to be able to configure “five” to “zero”.