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Imported GPX file snaps to trail unwantedly when creating a route

  • September 10, 2024
  • 2 replies

This has happened to me several times when I've tried to import a GPX file to create a route on Strava. I have been making GPX files using FatMap because its the easiest editing software I've found so far. I get the track looking perfect on FatMap. I then import the GPX file to Strava, but I've found that parts of the GPX track snap to a nearby trail or road when they aren't supposed to and I can't figure out how to correct that part of the route. I've tried adding extra data points in FatMap to no avail. I've tried turning on manual mode before importing the file, which didn't change anything. I've tried adding manual waypoints in Strava, but all that seems to do is hopelessly mess up the track. What am I doing wrong?

Update: I created a route from scratch using nothing but manual points in FatMap and Strava still altered it and snapped parts to the trail when I imported it into Strava. So frustrating! Why can't Strava route mapping just work like FatMap? They bought the platform!!

  • Hub Rookie
  • September 10, 2024

Let me briefly explain what I'm trying to do. I did an activity this weekend, but it was a little wandery and I want to optimize that track and save it as a route for a future FKT attempt. I downloaded the gpx file to FatMap, but it had way too many data points to easily edit. So to fix that, I saved the track as a route in Strava and then downloaded the saved route and imported it to FatMap. Now it had hundreds of data points for me to edit instead of thousands, but I think when Strava simplified the track it snapped parts to a nearby trail (which is actually not where the trail is, it must have been rerouted). So maybe my question is how do you save a Strava activity as a route without Strava trying to snap parts to a nearby trail or road when you don't want Strava to do that?

Here you can see my personal heatmap of the activity and how Strava incorrectly snapped to parts of the trail when I saved it as a route. The route should be following the heatmap and I cannot figure out how to easily edit it so that it does so.

Update: I created a route from scratch using nothing but manual points in FatMap and Strava still altered it and snapped parts to the trail when I imported it into Strava. So frustrating! Why can't Strava route mapping just work like FatMap? They bought the platform!!


I’m also having this problem :( any solutions?


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