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Tool to create Segments has changed

  • February 4, 2025
  • 6 replies

  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies

The tool to create Segments seems to have been slightly changed today.  A couple of small points…

  • When creating Segments I zoom in quite tightly to more accurately see the start and end points.  It used to be that if I switched between tweaking the Start or End points, the map would automatically recentre itself, which was fine.  This no longer happens, which means I have to zoom out, moves to the start or end and zoom in again, which is a little tedious.  Can we please have the old functionality back.
  • The map showing the new Segment has blue and red colours to show what is included and excluded in the new Segment, as well as green and red markers to show the start and end points.  With the modified Create page there is now an offset between the green/red markers and the interface between the blue and red line colours, which is confusing and makes it difficult to accurately build a Segment.  Can this part of the design be reverted to the previous version which worked for years without such problems.


6 replies

  • Superuser
  • 900 replies
  • February 4, 2025

Yes, the missing automatic switch to the the start or end point when outside the visible map is annyoing. I can’t see an offset between the markers and the red line though.

There is another bug in the new segment creation: You can’t really edit an existing segment anymore. If you alter the start and end point slightly you get the error message on saving that the new (sic!) segment can’t be created because it’s too similar to an existing one.


  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • February 4, 2025

A few times I’ve created Segments where the GPS data has not been ideal (drift, etc.).  The next time I attempt the Segment (with better GPS), I create a new version and delete the old version.  Are you saying I would no longer be able to make this sort of improvement ?  If that’s the case it would be a little frustrating.

  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • February 4, 2025

@Jan_Mantau - I confirm your findings - I tried to edit an old Segment of mine to move the start slightly and got a message to say the new Segment is too similar to an old one.  Surely it cannot be the intention that users are not allowed to make small corrections to their Segments ?

  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • February 23, 2025

So a new version of the Segment creation tool was launched about 3 weeks ago.  After about a day it was reverted to the previous design.  In the last few days there has been what looks like another attempt to launch a new version of the tool.  The problem about not being able to edit old Segments seems to have been resolved, but the issues about not centering the map when switching between start and end points still remains, as does the slight mismatch between the indicated position of the start/end points and the red/blue colours.  Can the re-centering of the map please be reinstated ?

  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • February 23, 2025

I successfully created a few Segments today, using the modified creation tool.  However, I now repeatedly get this rather unhelpful error message…



  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • March 2, 2025

So the new version of the Segment creation tool has been running for a week or so.  The good news is that I am no longer getting the annoying “Strava is unavailable” messages.  It seems the new tool has been designed to make it harder to create a Segment that is similar to an existing one.  I understand that Strava want to limit the number of Segments but this change causes some frustration.  For example, I created a Segment a while ago and I noticed recently that the GPS data is not as good as it should be (I think it was recorded on my watch due to a phone problem).  I want to create a new Segment that would be quite similar to the old one, with the difference that a section of it would be on a road instead of 20 metres to the side (and hence more people would have attempted it).  The problem is that the new tool doesn’t let me save an improved version of the Segment unless I flag it as “Private”, which seems pointless.  I suppose I could delete the old, flawed Segment and create the new one, but I want to ensure the new Segment works as intended (such as no corrupted leaderboard due to short efforts by people joining after the start or leaving before the finish) before deleting the old version.  If there was a problem with the new Segment I don’t know how I could recreate the imperfect older one. 

Another couple of niggles about the new tool:

  • It only seems to suggest a single existing Segment that might be similar whereas the earlier tool might suggest multiple ones (including ones in the reverse direction).  I preferred the older version as I got to learn about nearby Segments that I may otherwise not have seen
  • The map doesn’t auto-centre when switching between start and end points (unlike the previous version).  This is quite annoying, especially if I zoom in tighty to accuratley posiion things.  


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