Would be good to have the Segments inside some control with a scroll bar, that when going through all the segments the elevation map or even the map would still be visible.
Now when you are scolling down the map disappears after 25 segements and the elevation map after 30 segments (depends on the resolution).
This is how it is now:

The list of segmetns can be very long, and if you are scrolling down through them, the map and the elevation map are not visible any more sooner or later.
Thats why I would put all the segments into some control like DataGridView, where you can use a scoller if there is more then X number of items inside of it. So it would be like:

It’s always nice to at least see the elevation map (if not the map as well) when scrolling through the segments of the route, roght? Now its more or less useless, if you don’t see what’s going on, specially on the unknown routes. PLEASE :)