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100-image/video limitation


Premium Subscription subscribers (and arguably, ALL users) should have ALL their photos and videos accessible and visible to both themselves and their followers.

The 100 image limitation is bull**bleep**. It did not originally exist once they introduced photos/videos. We should be able to infinite-scroll through our own or other person's image/video timeline to enjoy all their experiences.

100-images is basically 10 runs/rides only. This is some serious cheap-skate nonsense from Strava for the purposes of saving some coin on AWS blob storage.

Best answer by Scout

Thanks for your post and your feedback. We have a similar suggestion that has been submitted on our Ideas Board. You can check it out here and add your kudos and feedback. 

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  • Strava Alumni
  • November 12, 2023

Thanks for your post and your feedback. We have a similar suggestion that has been submitted on our Ideas Board. You can check it out here and add your kudos and feedback. 

  • Hub Starter
  • April 24, 2024

Please consider at least 150 or 200. Truly, 100 is just far too few!


@Scout Its very strange that we have to ask for this. Its a no brainer. Everyone knows 100 photos is a joke. 

Also your chat feature is pointless. You should be spending your time and money on giving this social media app its media. 


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