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How to approve or deny Strava follower requests

  • September 22, 2023
  • 0 replies


People keep people active— on the Strava platform athletes go 21% farther and workouts last 10% longer when in a group. Strava is more fun with friends and we give you controls to help you manage your network.    

On Strava, you can set your profile’s privacy control to “Everyone” or “Followers.”  Adjusting your profile to “Followers” will make it so that you can approve or deny Strava community members before they can follow you.

Not only does this give you control over who follows you, but it is great for those of you who want to reduce the amount of profile information visible to non-followers. If you want to read more about what this setting does, you can check out this Help Center article.

You can find this setting in your privacy controls
Web: Settings > Privacy Controls > Profile Page > Followers
Mobile: You > Settings > Privacy Controls > Profile Page > Followers




Notifications for follow requests
If you’d like to receive notifications when someone has requested to follow you, you can enable an email or push notification. 

Email: On the Strava website navigate to Settings > Email Notifications > Social Emails > enable “When someone requests to follow me”
Push: On the Strava mobile app navigate to Settings > Push Notifications > Friends > enable “Notify me when someone follows me on Strava”


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