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New: Segment Top 10s 🏅


You can now see all the segments where you've finished in the top 10 on the leaderboard!

How to Access:

Mobile: Profile -> Segments -> Top 10s (alongside your Starred, KOMs/QOMs/CRs, and LCLs)

Web: Profile -> KOMs/QOMs/CRs/Top 10s


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I would use this feature on a regular basis IF the Top 10 list defaulted to my age group.
KOM/QOM watchers are a much smaller portion of your users.
I want to see how many top 10 lists I appear on amongst my peers.


This is great. However I think you can still improve this "gaming" part of the app, which is one of the most interesting: I would like to see the results in the main page (a direct access is needed), I would like to know how my top 10 results varies across time (when they go down) so I can try to improve, I would like to easily access other person's results, I would like to see results between friends, etc. 

Also to improve the "gaming" part of the app I would open the "group challenges" to everyone, including unsubscribed users, otherwise it is quite useless. People uses other options like Garmin's challenges.


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