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Today I recorded a Hike activity on my watch. I use Huawei GT5 Pro. For syncing with Strava I use 3rd party app called “Health Sync”.
The problem is that the elevation gain measured by the watch is 1004,1m and in the Strava activity is 732m. Other thing I noticed is that the the route, built in Strava maps, shows gain of 721m.
This makes me think that Strava uses the map of the file to determine the elevation gain and it is ignoring the data from the sync app. After all I am not sure if this data is actually provided.

All of my hikes has the elevation gain compromised. 

Here are some useful links:

  1. The route:
  2. The Strava activity:
  3. Huawei Activity .zip file (attached)

Hi, your question is not a developer question, but because you use our app Health Sync, I can explain the issue. Strava doesn't use synced elevation data when the source is not an approved barometric watch/app. Strava prefers its own elevation calculations. It is sad that Strava doesn't accept synced elevation data.
