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[KNOWN ISSUE] Issues with Apple Watch and Strava closing mid-workout

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  • Hub Starter
  • December 22, 2024

Hello - I reported this 6 days ago, no response. Where do we stand on this? LMK / thx




  • Hub Starter
  • December 24, 2024

I have this issue and waiting for an update.  In the meantime, my workaround is to use the Nike App and connect to Strava.  Although I’m a paid Strava subscriber and hope there is a fix soon.  

  • Hub Starter
  • December 24, 2024

I’m having the same problem with Strava on Apple Watch. If I don’t look at it regularly it goes into hibernate mode and doesn’t reappear unless I manually open the App - and sometimes it just loses the workout completely. The heart rate is also not refreshing and is not keeping up with actual heart rate. My AW software and Strava versions are both up to date. What’s going on, Strava?

  • Hub Starter
  • December 24, 2024
markdavies1978 wrote:


It's doing it on my new Galaxy 7 watch.


I came away from Strava and thought I'd try it again and still problematic 


Samsung Health is bullet proof so will go back to that.

Yes!  I just got a new watch 7 and haven't been able to record a workout yet on Strava

  • Hub Starter
  • December 26, 2024

Product team suggesting their paid users divert to the native app is insanity and an easy way to uproot Stravas product morale. 

5 weeks, still no solve. Growing tired of the panic mid-workout when I learn the app isn’t actively recording my data.  

  • Hub Starter
  • December 28, 2024

I have the same issue.  It cut out about 1km of my run today.  My jogging partner used the native iwatch to compare and mine was 1 km shorter 


Having the exact same issue and is starting to get frustrating because it’s almost like it knows when I’m going to end the workout and closes it. I monitor it the whole time to make sure it’s working and then right when I got to finish workout it closes. 

  • Hub Starter
  • January 1, 2025

I also have the same issue, here to put pressure on Strava for a solution. Been using Strava for over 5yrs, the dropouts only started happening later in 2024. 

I’m also having trouble with the app maintaining my heartrate, it will pause often when my apple watch changes to the black screen, I’ll twist my wrist to look at the watch and Strava will pickup my new heartrate again as the app is viewable once again. I feel that if the app can’t discover an active heartrate for a certain period of time it just decides to close. 

Clearly Strava have made changes to their application recently without thorough testing. I never had any issues before. It’s extremely frustrating. 

Strava, if you don’t fix this asap I’m out. Been paying premium for years. 


I’m having the same issue while doing an Indoor Run.  Haven’t tried the outdoor run, but I am using an Apple Ultra 2 with the OS 11.2 (22S101).  The app goes into the background and stops recording my distance.  It then starts again but could be behind as long as I haven’t restarted it.  This is very frustrating.  Please fix.


  • Hub Starter
  • January 8, 2025

@Jane, any updates on this issue? This is hugely frustrating -- I’ve been a subscriber for 3 years now an am about ready to cancel.  If the native app were any good I wouldn’t be paying for a subscription here.  How about extending my subscription for the time that Strava hasn’t been functioning properly?  I reported it in mid-November.  This is a growing thread as more people encounter this issue.

Hoping you can shed some light here.

  • Hub Starter
  • January 10, 2025

Came here to report I’m also having this issue on Apple Watch 9 with indoor/treadmill runs, latest version of OS and Strava app. Just stops logging after a random amount of time.

  • Hub Starter
  • January 11, 2025

Please fix this!! This is a terrible experience and very frustrating. How can Strava not fix this in three+ months?

  • Hub Starter
  • January 13, 2025

Same problem on my AW 8, when doing indoor training only, closes at any time, usually after 15-30 min of training. Sometimes starting a new training out of the blue, sometimes just closing the app. Tried to reboot, update, etc. both AW & iPhone 16. Always the same issue. I know updates can take some time, but it’s been about 2 months now that it keeps happening and that you are aware of...

  • Hub Starter
  • January 15, 2025

Appreciate everyone here flagging the same issue I’ve been experiencing. I thought it was an issue with my Apple Watch Ultra (1st Gen) running 11.2 (22S101) OS. This has been a very frustrating issue for the past 6+ weeks. I’ve lost many workouts and started exploring alternative watches and apps. As a subscriber to Strava since 2020 I’m about to discontinue. @Strava - will you please reply in this thread with some information on your plan to fix this? 

  • Hub Starter
  • January 17, 2025

Same issue here, Strava on Apple Watch crashes every time I play squash, sometimes it saves 20 minutes of a 45 minute workout, other times it loses the whole thing. Used to work fine. Very frustrating every time

  • Hub Starter
  • January 18, 2025

Mine has started doing this now!! Since the latest apple update. Still no fix from Strava and very little response it seems. Very poor Strava very poor! 

  • Hub Starter
  • January 20, 2025

+1 on this issue, for several weeks now. Sometimes the workout just disappears without synching, other times it just starts over and random intervals. Issues on both HIIT and Indoor running. Tried disabling auto-pause, deleting and reinstalling app, turning devices on and off, then opening a ticket with zero response. TF are we paying for? 


Jumping in here as I am glad I found this post!

it’s happening for me also. Apple Watch Series 8, the app seems to partially record my activity and close itself. Sometimes I get to save 20 mins of the recorded activity and sometimes I lose it all.  Funnily enough, it happens to me more when playing squash, as someone else mentioned above already.

very frustrating and I will likely switch to the Apple native activity recording app.

would be good to hear when this is fixed. Good luck dev team! Thx

  • Hub Starter
  • January 23, 2025

This is still not fixed and is super annoying to have to keep checking your watch to see if Strava has closed. I hate having my splits off and my distance plus time! Come on Strava! Let’s fix this!

  • Hub Starter
  • January 26, 2025

It’s now been 3-ish months since this issue has been going on. AGAIN this morning I was mid workout and it stopped recording on my apple watch. I have deleted the app on phone and watch, reinstalled several times. No change.

I understand the workaround is available but why am I paying for an app that doesn’t work? I am planning to cancel my subscription (all my athlete friends are also planning to cancel subscriptions). I understand a few weeks of troubleshooting but this is not acceptable.

  • Hub Starter
  • January 27, 2025

Looks like turning on DND mode during activity helps. At least I didn’t have a crash during last three indoor runs.

  • Hub Starter
  • January 29, 2025

Strava peeps, was wondering/hoping whether the Apple watchOS 11.3 update might cure this reported issue, but it did NOT and I had another treadmill workout end prematurely this morning.   Super frustrated with ​@support, as they don’t seem to be monitoring this thread nor respond to the support ticket I opened awhile ago concerning this issue.  

Back to using Apple’s native logging app for now and looking at other logging apps.  Anyone have experience with SmashRun?


  • Hub Starter
  • February 9, 2025

Same here; Apple Watch doesn’t keep Strava open, reverts to watch face, w/Strava open “underneath” if I choose the app, but sometimes it’s either shut down or evidently blanked out for part of the workout. Thought it was me until today when it happened *again* and motivated me to look into it. All OS’s are up to date, watch is Ultra v.1 . Given that I pay for premium w/Strava (like many others) seeing this taking so long to get straightened out is really disappointing.


Same issue here and it’s very frustrating.  Any update from Strava?

  • Hub Starter
  • February 14, 2025
Justin Greenwood wrote:

Same issue here and it’s very frustrating.  Any update from Strava?


No updates from Strava Support.  I strongly encourage anyone frustrated with this months-old issue to open a Support ticket.  I’ve opened two -and received automated responses that they were very busy but would get to it... 

The lack of response leaves me to believe that honestly don’t really care.  As a premium subscriber, they already have my money, so Strava gets the last laugh.  They *should* comp everyone on this thread for the months this has gone un-addressed, but they won’t -- real customer support doesn’t seem to be part of their culture.


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