Do you have your feed ordering set to "Personalized" or "Chronological"?
My guess is it's related to the issue being discussed in this thread (I'm linking directly to @Scout's reply which has more detail than my response in the same topic):
I have problems displaying my rides on a desktop computer with the page:
I am sending two pictures.
picture 1 (Dashboard) - there should be my activity in between.
picture 2 (My activities) - the ride was completed on 30.9.2024
As mentioned in the thread I linked to, changes to your activity feed ordering only apply to new activities (after you change the ordering). There is unfortunately nothing you can do about the existing activities.
My suggestion is to change feed ordering to chronological. If it's already set to chronological, change it to personalized, save, then change it back to chronological. Wait a few days and see if the behavior of your feed matches what you expect, with all (new) activities showing up in order including your own.
Isn’t the problem that for some reason “Following” rather than “My Activities” became the default in the dropdown on the dashboard page? Can this be changed, it makes no sense and is rather annoying.