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Leaderboard showing two times for me and not crediting KOM


I’ve already submitted a ticket, so just waiting on that, but figured I would mention this in case others are seeing anything similar or had other ideas.

I ran into an interesting situation this morning when skimming through some segments I like to keep tabs on.  I have had the KOM on this one since June of 2021.  Everything looked fine the last time I checked earlier this week, but when I looked today, I was not listed in the “top times” section on the top right of the page.   When I scrolled down to see the leaderboard, I saw my time from June was still showing in the 1st spot on the list, but I also had another entry down in 10th (my 2nd fastest time on the segment), so I was actually showing on the leaderboard in two spots at the same time.  My first place time was not registering as the KOM.  I opened that specific activity file from June 2021 and nothing there showed anything wrong.  No flags, no suspicious tagging from auto-detection.  I then checked my KOM list on my profile and that KOM is not listed. So, for some reason, it still registers that I completed the segment in a certain time, but is not registering it as the KOM for the segment.    

Here is the segment: Elmore to Abbott Southbound | Strava Ride Segment in Anchorage, Alaska  I’m curious what others see.  Do you see the same person listed in 1st and 10th on the leaderboard or is that only displaying that way for me?  

I have refreshed activity achievements (no change).  Verified that it is set to viewable to everyone (both the profile and the activity).  Verified that I do not have any map visibility areas set.  

So just curious what others think.  Again, I do have a ticket in already, so they will probably be able to resolve the issue once they get to it but wanted to discuss in case it is something new happening with the system causing it.


I see you there in two spots.  Never seen that before.  There’s no CR or KOM listed on the right hand side, just the QOM.  I think you’re having gender identity issues!  (Just kidding!)  Keep us posted.


@JBW-Florida - Haha, yeah, could be. :)  Thanks for taking a look and confirming what I was seeing.  Never know if the view is different from one profile to another.  I’ll definitely circle back once I figure out what the situation is.  I looked through a bunch of other segments and KOMs and can’t find anything similar going on with those so may just be a glitch in this segment.


Follow up - Looks like Strava was able to refresh the activity from behind the scenes and it is all good now.  No idea exactly what happened, but it is resolved.  Must have just been a glitch with that segment processing.  


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