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My girlfriend is a victim of jelous activity flagger and it sucks


Hi everyone,

Me and my gf ride bikes a lot. We logged 140+hours this year alone and very decent volume in last two years as well. We upload our rides with power and heart rate data. My girlfriend is quite strong and gets a lot of QOMs, often ahead of pro riders. Unfortunately lately someone regularly flags here activities. She marks them as ok, then get a flag again and then needs to wait for days until it’s resolved.

Nice thing about getting a QOM is that your friends  see it and can congratulate it. Silly or not that’s what the feature is about for many people - you enjoy your achievement. When the activities are flagged it has reverse effect: people think something was wrong and she gets worried people will think she is cheating.

I find it very unfair that she needs to wait for review to get her achievements visible again. She uploads here rides with HR and power date. Her profile is open so everyone can look at her training history. The power is very consistent as well (this year she hit her power numbers in February that she had in April last year so she is a bit ahead in the base period this time around).


Why not reverse the order and leave the achievements visible until the review takes place? That would remove the joy the jealous flaggers get while the end result would be the same (after the review take place). I find current policy to be bully friendly. It shouldn’t be the case that one person can make your achievements disappear for days after you score them.

10 replies

  • Hub Explorer
  • 146 replies
  • March 1, 2025

I think you have a good idea, there.  In fact, I think it can be refined even further.  My take is that after clearing the flag the first time with the "activity okay trust me" option or whatever the wording is... the onus should shift to the accuser.  If he wishes to continue the process, he should be the one to request a review, and he should be asked to provide supporting evidence to substantiate his claim.  Right now the KOM holder seems to have to "prove" his/her innocence.  If we shift the burden of proof to the accuser (as is the norm is Western culture) it will discourage this type of behavior in the future.

This did happen to me on one occasion.  I had to justify my KOM to the helpdesk.  This is what I wrote:  "This was totally legit. Done on a regular bike, not a vehicle, on closed-off bike trails. See cadence info if you feel this was a car. Not an e-bike, no drugs, no GPS manipulation. Totally legitimate."

Much like your girlfriend, I shouldn't have been the one to prove my innocence.  

  • Hub Expert
  • 458 replies
  • March 1, 2025

If it's one person doing this, block them and report to Strava. Malicious flagging goes against Strava policy. 

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  • 14 replies
  • March 3, 2025
Jana_S wrote:

If it's one person doing this, block them and report to Strava. Malicious flagging goes against Strava policy. 

We can’t know for sure because Strava doesn't show how flagged it and what was the reason.

The support is very slow and not communicating. It looks like it’s possible to remove someone from leaderboards on a whim. Those were normal rides with all the data included. It’s disappointing to see bullies winning on this one :(

  • Hub Expert
  • 458 replies
  • March 3, 2025

Indeed, from what I hear the Strava support team has been having a big backlog lately, people have been waiting for weeks for a response. But if it really is one malicious person, it's probably worth reporting, even though it will take some time to get that addressed. 

I understand what you say, though considering the volume of reports requiring review, the current model is probably quicker - if all flags had to be reviewed, the leaderboards would probably be full of actual cheaters. It's not very fair to victims of malicious flaggers, that's true - though those would be a much smaller number of review requests, i.e. better manageable by the overloaded support department.

 Fingers crossed that you get rid of that “stalker” soon! 👍

  • Author
  • Hub Climber
  • 14 replies
  • March 5, 2025

Unfortunately it continues. My gf got a flag on a routine training ride now. Strava support doesn’t answer for 5 days now. It’s just so frustrating :(

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  • March 5, 2025

Another follow up: my gf emailed Strava with links to activities and a screenshot saying she is followed by someone and the ticket automatically got “solved” status with no way to comment on it. What is happening there? Is it really the case that someone can just decide to spoil the whole fun on Strava and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it?

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  • March 11, 2025

Just updating on this: 12 days and still no contact, no reply, no anything.

Are segments completely dead and you can just remove people at will now by flagging them?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 3523 replies
  • March 11, 2025

Hello ​@PiotrekNL 

It sounds like your girlfriend may have created multiple Support tickets. When that happens, Strava Support will merge your tickets, and this will create notifications that your duplicate ticket(s) have been closed. However one ticket will be kept open and you will receive a response when that ticket is assigned to a Support Analyst.

To check her Support tickets and confirm she has an open ticket, she can sign into her Strava account on the Web at, then go to this link to see your tickets.

Please click here for more information about the Support Process

We are not able to provide any updates about Strava Support tickets on the Community Hub, however we have checked with the Support Team and can confirm that they are currently working through a backlog of requests. Sincere apologies for the delay - please be patient and a Support Analyst will be in touch as soon as possible. 




  • Hub Expert
  • 458 replies
  • March 11, 2025

From what I hear, people get a response for their support tickets after about a month nowadays, it's super frustrating but I suppose you just need to be patient now… nothing else can be done anyway.

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  • 14 replies
  • March 11, 2025
Jane wrote:

Hello ​@PiotrekNL 

It sounds like your girlfriend may have created multiple Support tickets. When that happens, Strava Support will merge your tickets, and this will create notifications that your duplicate ticket(s) have been closed. However one ticket will be kept open and you will receive a response when that ticket is assigned to a Support Analyst.

To check her Support tickets and confirm she has an open ticket, she can sign into her Strava account on the Web at, then go to this link to see your tickets.

Please click here for more information about the Support Process

We are not able to provide any updates about Strava Support tickets on the Community Hub, however we have checked with the Support Team and can confirm that they are currently working through a backlog of requests. Sincere apologies for the delay - please be patient and a Support Analyst will be in touch as soon as possible. 




Hi Jane,

Thank you for your answer. Seeing how you are overwhelmed by support request why not change segment policy to “trust by default”? By that I mean if a flagged rider says the ride is ok they should be trusted until the review is made. Limiting flagging ability to people who have active accounts (say 100+activities posted in last 2 years) would help as well as active community members are more careful about their actions (I would hope).



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