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Strava shows incorrect moving time


My Garmin device shows different elapsed time and moving time for my indoor activities, but Strava shows the same elapsed time and moving time. That's annoying. I'd like to have the actual moving time shown on strava. 

Best answer by Scout

Hey @Mayday_qq
Thanks for your post. We are two separate platforms with different calculations so certain aspects of your activity analysis may be different. In general, this is because Strava is more strict about resting time so we remove less of it than Garmin Connect. In other words, we're a bit more likely to consider you moving in places where Garmin considers you stopped. This means that even though the elapsed time is the same, the moving time can be a bit different, which can cause differences in average speed. Strava typically reports a bit more moving time and so a bit slower average speed.
We feel confident that we are accurately representing your data, but are always working on improving our calculations and appreciate your feedback. You may want to search our support site for more information and discussions on this topic.

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  • Strava Alumni
  • January 8, 2024

Hey @Mayday_qq
Thanks for your post. We are two separate platforms with different calculations so certain aspects of your activity analysis may be different. In general, this is because Strava is more strict about resting time so we remove less of it than Garmin Connect. In other words, we're a bit more likely to consider you moving in places where Garmin considers you stopped. This means that even though the elapsed time is the same, the moving time can be a bit different, which can cause differences in average speed. Strava typically reports a bit more moving time and so a bit slower average speed.
We feel confident that we are accurately representing your data, but are always working on improving our calculations and appreciate your feedback. You may want to search our support site for more information and discussions on this topic.

  • Hub Starter
  • April 9, 2024

This doesn’t make sense to me. 
if garmin is the one connected its own satellites and gathering information to its app, and a garmin device is set to “auto pause “ for example at say.. 1-2 mph. Why would Strava come up with its own algorithm and add or remove time which will effect average speeds, max speeds, moving time etc..

if Strava is third party in these instances and not being used at all to record anything- why is it adding or removing stuff. It should just be taking the information that is being sent from garmin, wahoo etc..and adding it to Stravas gui- that’s it- so basically Strava is changing the data it receives 

  • Hub Rookie
  • April 10, 2024

Makes sense that Strava recalculates moving time from the raw GPS data. If it wouldn't, you could never compare moving times calculated by different devices that all use different proprietory algorithms and speed cutoffs.

  • Hub Starter
  • April 10, 2024

Totally agree, this feels like misrepresentation! I’ve only just noticed this and wonder how long it has been going on for?


I disagree that it’s accurate - I spent 45 mins running around a netball court - garmin recorded 45 mins of movement, strava recorded 25 if it had been 35-40 I’d agree

yesterday did Korfball training for almost 2 hours of drills and 2 games of continual movement at pace - garmin recorded 1hr 45 of training - strava said I did 12 mins - so something is faulty in the transfer - I’m wondering if it should have recorded 120 mins not 12? 

all things are up to date and am hoping was just a one off glitch but it doesn’t look good - I understand transfers and compatability issues re software, but it’s a significant difference 

  • Hub Starter
  • May 1, 2024

Today I did a ride of 45m51s, no traffic lights and no breaks.. yet Strava gives a time of 46m32. It’s just not possible.

  • Hub Starter
  • May 1, 2024

yup noticed on a ride yesterday. Strava added two minutes To the time

I just don’t understand if Strava is the third-party application why are they not just taking the data from Garmin, wahoo etc.. And passing it along to their interface


Strava should be importing the data without changing it. I am running a speed sensor on my Garmin 1040 with the GPS so I think my data would be more accurate than just GPS!

  • Hub Starter
  • May 6, 2024


thry should be nothing with it.. it’s passed to Strava which is THIRD PARTY APP.. translate it to your interface and post it .. there should be zero algorithms or anything done with the data that comes from garmin , wahoo, etc- Strava is ok for a lot of things but accuracy is definitely not one of them. - and it’s because they alter the data they receive 

  • Hub Starter
  • June 23, 2024

If Strava is going to add more moving time, it should also add the untracked distance.  Plenty of times I’m late to restart my watch, so I totally understand having a higher moving time than what was recorded since my watch was stopped, but I also covered distance during that period.  Essentially, you added time but not the distance.  Please look into fixing this, or don’t alter the data at all.

  • Hub Starter
  • June 23, 2024

Just looked at my activity and did the "Correct Distance" option.  This is crazy, because it looks like you are already calculating the extra distance but not applying it automatically like you do the moving time.  Why calculate extra moving time and extra distance but then only apply the moving time.  I would definitely say this is a bug... It should be apply both or apply neither, and it should be an opt in feature.

  • Hub Starter
  • July 14, 2024

Same problem. Since some time Strava does not respect moving time from Garmin and adds plenty of seconds which is bad for average speed for cycling activities. Every ride (since few weeks) Strava moving time is much longer than Garmin says.  It's a bug for me.


There are clearly bugs involved in Stravas own calculation of the moving time. When the complete ride shows the same elapsed time as moving time but in specific segments Strava shows the moving time as lower than the elapsed time, Strava has contradicted itself successfully.

  • Hub Starter
  • July 17, 2024

Totally agree!

  • Hub Starter
  • July 18, 2024

 There is no solution in this post. Strava modifies data received from users devices. Solutions is not doing this or at least give an option to choose if user wants Strava correct these data is not.


This is not an acceptable response - Strava clearly has a bug that you are not addressing. I know the elapsed time of my workout - it is the time I was doing the workout and not paused. This shows up correctly in Garmin Connect. When the workout is uploaded to Strava, however, Strava ignores this good data and comes up with a workout duration that is SEVERAL MINUTES shorter than the actual workout, making all of my pace times way faster than they actually are. This isn't a small margin either - Strava consistently reports a duration that is a full 10-20% shorter than my actual workout. This happens for pool swims, open water swims, runs, bikes, etc. It makes the Strava app basically useless. Some of the paid features look interesting, but there's no way I'm paying for an app that is so buggy and doesn't even provide accurate data. Please recognize this as the bug it is, and at least give users an option to use correct data from the devices that are calculating properly.

  • Hub Starter
  • September 4, 2024

I've noticed this as well. For example I did a ride. Garmin Edge 130 Plus shows a distance of 13.98 km travelled, a total time of 34:42 with an average speed of 24.2km/hr. 

The data uploads to Strava and somehow converts to 13.97km travelled, moving time of 35:04(not to elapsed time) and an average speed of 23.9km/hr. 


Why not just take the data exactly as it uploads from Garmin(or Wahoo, Coospo, whatever)? I'm not recording directly to Strava so why should my data be different? 

  • Hub Starter
  • September 6, 2024

This is all well and good except you are miscalculating our performance. Yesterday I was on a ride with a friend which I led. We stopped at the exact same times for the same amount of time. We both finished with near identical stats on our devices. Yet his mph on Strava using wahoo was higher than mine using Garmin. We both use speed sensors. I would revisit your programming. The discrepancies are why I no longer subscribe to Strava. 

  • Hub Starter
  • September 14, 2024

This is problematic for cyclers who are entering and exiting multiple intersections during their rides.  The Garmin device pauses so as not to include the time waiting around for cars to pass.  Garmin correctly subtracts that time but Strava includes a lot more of it, arguing that we are still moving at that time.  

  • Hub Starter
  • September 18, 2024

I’ve had the same problem for the last month now. Why not just import the data as it is from the device. Makes no sense to change it, Strava always calculates it backwards,

  • Hub Starter
  • September 25, 2024

I will also have to agree with all others here. Two weeks ago, my run included periods of rest. None were counted when my garmin activity synced to Strava. Today, Strava counted them all. Garmin shows this accurately on both runs but Strava does not. I pay for a subscription and I am happy to share any details about both these activities to assist in troubleshooting as there is clearly a bug in the sync. 

  • Hub Starter
  • September 29, 2024

Had a short ride yesterday with multiple stops at intersections. Finished at an avg of 27.6km/h with a moving time of 31:05 and a distance of 14:32km, with a Polar Vantage M. Surprisingly, Strava gave me the same distance but added 1:01 to my moving time, which is pretty longer than what I actually rode on a so short distance.

Strava usually gives me the right moving time, sometimes adding or withdrawing seconds, causing no noticeable impact on my speed average. However, this one was hard to miss! Been a user for years, this is the first time I see such a discrepancy.

As for I, I won’t complain that much since I do not have a paid subscription. Though, that recalculation of moving time thing is odd in my opinion.

To Strava: maybe it would be great to listen to users who claim that something’s wrong instead of simply arguing that you are confident in your own product? 😉 😉


It still not working correctly. I use my Galaxy Watch5 to record my rides that are not training, on Samsung Health it shows the duration was 23 minutes, the average speed was 17.6km/h and the maximum was 33.3km/h, but when uploaded to Strava, it shows the duration was 13 minutes, the average speed was 30km/h and a maximum of 70km/h, this is absolute nonsense. What I noticed, is that the GPS of this wearable is not too good, so it could lose connection during the activity, it looks like Strava doesn't count the time I'm riding while the GPS connection gets lost, but it counts the distance.

  • November 17, 2024

This is not solved at all!
Developers please add a “timed workout” type working as “race” type and ignoring bugged moving time to calculate the pace.

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I’m physically stopping the timer on my garmin on an indoor ride. I took three breaks totaling 15 minutes. Garmin says I rode 2h12 because I rode 2h12. I wasn’t on the bike and I wasn’t recording the other 15 minutes. The bike wasn’t moving. Strava says my moving time was 2h27. Strava’s algorithm is just making stuff up that didn’t happen. The fit of the data that Strava’s algorithm is using is smoking dope I mean too restrictive and is incorrect. The magically added time screwed up all of my metrics and gives bogus values across the board. And Strava wants me to pay to have them give me a deeper dive into their incorrect metrics? No thanks! Garmin is useful. Strava is fine for sharing data (that makes you look like a loser) with your connections.


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