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Use trail names as segment names

  • December 6, 2024
  • 4 replies


MTB activities often show up with multiple segment names on a trail. It would be great to see times on named trail segments (by name) and perhaps indent names of segments within the trail so users can see they are within another named segment.  Might be nice to toggle off these ‘sub-segments’ and have activities show a reduced number but more useful segments.

4 replies

  • Hub Expert
  • 559 replies
  • December 6, 2024

The segment names are created by whichever user created the segment.  They are not generated or moderated by Strava, so you are pretty much stuck with whatever the user wanted to name it.  It is one of the problems with segments. Strava refuses to allow any form of moderation with regards to segments.  We have asked repeatedly for some way to either have a regional/local ambassador of some kind who could make some types of edits or a way to contact the segment creator to ask for edits (even if their name was kept hidden to protect their privacy).  


So a user could create segments that coincide with trail names and make this happen?  How about indenting segments that are within other segments in the display?

  • Hub Expert
  • 559 replies
  • December 6, 2024

@MTBROADGRAVELINCA - Anyone can make segments.  Once you ride a section of trail, you can create a segment for any part of that that you want to.  I’ve created a bunch over the years.  There are tricks to making good segments. 

First, try not to duplicate others that are already out there.  That just clutters the segment lists.  One reason that you would want to make something close to a duplicate; however, is if there is something bad about the existing one, such as a bad start or end point.  

Second, use good start and end points.  Don’t start or end a segment right at an intersection/trailhead.  Start a little into the trail from the intersection and stop a little before the intersection at the end.  This will keep people from having their times start while standing around at a trailhead or intersection or having their time continuing running when they are stopped at the next intersection after the segment of trail.  

Third, make sure you are using a good GPS track when you create the segment.  Look over the track and make sure there are not odd anomalies in the route or that there isn’t a bunch of GPS drift.   

I’m not sure what you mean regarding “indenting segments”?  Do you mean that when you look at the list of segments completed in an activity, you would see the larger segment on the far left of the screen and any that occurred within it indented somewhat to show up as a form of sub-set within the larger segment?  I could see that as an interesting added feature, but might be difficult considering that some segments will overlap with start and end points of other segments, so wouldn’t entirely fall within or without the other segment.


thanks for the detailed response and correct on ‘indenting segments,’ perhaps possible for segments that are entirely contained within another. Thanks!


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