05-20-2023 12:52 PM
Would it be possible to improve the data import from Garmin? At the moment the fit file is transferred immediately, which means for me that I have to adjust the title twice (once Garmin once Strava), make corrections to the route twice (if needed), upload photos of the activity twice, enter comments twice, etc..
I would prefer a delay before the data transfer and that Strava then also takes over all the changes I have made with Garmin, including the photos of the activity.
05-21-2023 09:22 AM
The Garmin guys say it's Strava pulling the original activity file, the one that remains unchanged even after adjustments in Garmins system, so a simple delayed sync would not even be an option
05-20-2023 08:40 PM
The Garmin guys say it's Strava pulling the original activity file, the one that remains unchanged even after adjustments in Garmins system, so a simple delayed sync would not even be an option
05-20-2023 02:11 PM
Maybe this request is more something for the Garmin side because Strava doesn't initiate the transfer, Garmin Connect uploads it to Strava. I always miss a manual upload option in the Garmin app.
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