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Sugiro a inclusão do beach tennis no rol de esportes do Strava, com possibilidade da postagem de imagens do ambiente dos jogos. Esse esporte está muito difundido no Brasil e pode proporcionar muitas interações, além da possibilidade de postarmos lindas imagens do nosso litoral, parques e áreas de lazer interessantes.

TRANSLATION: I suggest including beach tennis in Strava's list of sports, with the possibility of posting images of the games' environment. This sport is very widespread in Brazil and can provide many interactions, in addition to the possibility of posting beautiful images of our coastline, parks and interesting leisure areas.

Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. Thank you for your contribution.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Jane, do you sugest to use any other "tennis"' Sport?

Mt. Kenya

Bonjour, je pratique également ce sport, le beach tennis à Palavas-les-Flots.

Je suis adhérente du club Palavas Beach Tennis qui a accueillit la première édition du "Summer beach tennis tour de France".

Les premiers terrains sont apparus en 1980 en Italie.

Le Beach Tennis fait parti de la Fédération Française de Tennis FFT. Il est reconnu sport de haut niveau depuis 2021.

Je souhaiterais que ce sport soit présent et proposé sur Strava, notamment dans l'appli.

Que faut-il faire pour que ce sport soit ajouté s'il vous plaît ?

Evy Mendy

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to add your votes and comments to this request. 

We want to let you know that we do not intend to add more activity/sport types to Strava in the foreseeable future, and this feature suggestion will be moved to a status of not currently planned.

We appreciate and understand this is not the answer you were hoping for. We strive to be as transparent as possible and provide updates to our Community when they become available. 

Please remember that we receive a large number of idea submissions, and even some  popular ideas may not make it to the implementation stage. The number of votes an idea gets is one factor among several that’s considered when our product team develops the roadmap.

For more information, review our Guide to Ideas.

Additionally, a status of not currently planned does not mean this feature suggestion goes away. It will remain open to votes and comments, and may be revisited at some point in the future.

Lastly, we sincerely hope you will continue recording and uploading your activities to Strava. Here is a list of the Sport types that we currently support. It’s always an option to set your activity to sport type “workout” and indicate more specifics in the activity name.

Thanks again for your contributions.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team