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Haven’t found anything relating to dance or aerobics/step classes.


I feel like Strava doesn’t look at this comment section, but yes! Dancing and aerial sports as well like silk, hoop and pole fitness. We are a lot practicing these « circus » sports, For the dance, there is so much kind of dance as well! At least if we could have only one option for this activity.


@naomygagne I had originally posted this as its own thread (hence the length) but the fabulous Scout merged it into this thread, so I know she's at least seen it 😄 

Mt. Kenya

Hi Strava,  

I would love to see dancing as a workout on the Strava app/website so that after a dance workout I would be able to see how many calories i have burned during the workout. 

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to add your votes and comments to this request. 

We want to let you know that we do not intend to add more activity/sport types to Strava in the foreseeable future, and this feature suggestion will be moved to a status of not currently planned.

We appreciate and understand this is not the answer you were hoping for. We strive to be as transparent as possible and provide updates to our Community when they become available. 

Please remember that we receive a large number of idea submissions, and even some  popular ideas may not make it to the implementation stage. The number of votes an idea gets is one factor among several that’s considered when our product team develops the roadmap.

For more information, review our Guide to Ideas.

Additionally, a status of not currently planned does not mean this feature suggestion goes away. It will remain open to votes and comments, and may be revisited at some point in the future.

Lastly, we sincerely hope you will continue recording and uploading your activities to Strava. Here is a list of the Sport types that we currently support. It’s always an option to set your activity to sport type “workout” and indicate more specifics in the activity name.

Thanks again for your contributions.

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Thanks for the update Scout.
I am very disappointed in the outcome, my reasons for supporting dance being added are outlined in my earlier comment.
I hope Dance will one day be added, but I will continue to log dance as a workout. Thanks for all your mahi.

Mt. Kenya

I have to comment that I'm really really disappointed to read this. Dance, in many of its forms, requires skill, stamina, aerobic endurance, flexibility, athleticism, hand-eye coordination...need I go on? It seems really short-sighted of Strava to omit it from their list of supported sports types, especially considering that skateboarding, table tennis, and badminton make the cut. Nothing against any of those, but dance is less of a sport that those? What reasonable reason do you have for excluding it? It would take a techie all of 90 seconds to add it to the app and after that, no skin off your teeth. What's the negative impact suffered from its inclusion? The United States Olympic Committee, the World DanceSport Federation, and the Special Olympics all recognize dance as a sport. The International Olympic Committee has included Breaking (that urban dance style that originated in the United States in the 1970's) in this year's Paris Olympics. I guess those medalists won't count as athletes in Strava's book. Way to drop the ball, Strava.

Mt. Kenya

🙏zoals in eerdere reacties te lezen is er nood aan want het is op alle vlakken een workout gelijk welke dans wij beoefenen. Heel graag heel graag dans toevoegen