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Status: Open To Voting

I really enjoy tracking my activities on Strava, competing with myself and others. However, when I do kayaking it is too difficult to hit segments, since the track is not so obvious. When defining a segment. I defined a segment ‘Little chicken run’ four years ago, and I was very pleased to see you were able to process past activities 🙂 I know this is a very popular track, but only a few activities are matching the segment. So a wider track should give a lot more matches.

In general, I assume mapping to segments is done by checking being within max deviation along the segment. For water sports this is to strict, and hard to find when sailing, kayaking, kiting, etc. Rather, mapping could be much looser where a segment could be defined as a sequence of lines you have to cross, in the simplest case just a start and finish line. Maybe this is already supported for sailing? In that case it should be easy to support for kayaking and other water sports. Otherwise, hopefully it shouldn't be too much effort to support more flexible segment editing for water sports and corresponding looser segment matching.

Best regards,
Bjørn Egil

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Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Note: The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. 

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team