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Status: Open To Voting


I'm looking for a way to have these statistics included with my runs on strava.

I use strava to record my running and view statistics which is great.

First I started using the strava Apple Watch app but it didn't include these extra statistics. I know for example Garmin watches can sync these data to strava running activities, but don't want to buy a new watch and wondered if this is also possible with my Apple Watch. I found out that the workout app on iOS 16.1 and Apple Watch 9.1 includes this data, but not all data is synced to strava .

Is this already on the roadmap or hopefully a good idea to add :)?

Kind regards



UPDATE FROM STRAVA (March 18, 2024)

Hello and thank you to everyone who has added their comments and feedback to this topic.

First, we want to say that we appreciate you all reaching out on this matter and sharing your thoughts. We absolutely understand the value of having as much of your activity data on Strava as possible, and how many of our athletes use an Apple Watch to record that data. We do want to let you know that we are committed to improving both the Strava Watch app experience and the integration we have with the Apple Workout app (Healthkit). 

Our team is pushing forward to streamline and improve the user experience with the Strava watch app, making recording and syncing activities easier for athletes. We are also investigating how best to bring over more data from Healthkit to Strava, particularly with the releases of watchOS 9 and watchOS 10. 

We will continue to work towards these goals and monitor this thread. Please be on the lookout for improvements to the Apple Watch experience in the coming year. 

Mt. Kenya

Are there any developers around who integrated Apple Watch data into apps. It seems that Apple made it easy few years back and it is crazy that Strava was not able to use this data … honestly Apple Fintess app is getting better and better and I no longer use Strava during my rides but would still like to see my rides in Strava for tracking and analysis later (however without correct power and cadence from Apple Watch, Strava does not have too much value for me anymore)


@Filip2 Strava have already integrated the Apple Watch, they just don’t include two data fields that Apple added years ago now. It’s a simple change. That’s why it’s so frustrating they keep ignoring it.


Completely agree with this being a bug and not a feature request! 

the exact same activity recorded by the Apple Watch but imported to Strava via any other app than Apple health includes the power metrics. Therefore the bug is that Strava ignores power data from Apple health uploads


Pathetic that we now have to vote on it! 
Bad move Strava!!

Mt. Kenya

Absolutely! I can’t agree more. Not pulling the data from Apple Watch is a bug rather than an “idea”.

Mt. Kenya

I suggest that we all go on the Apple App Store and give the Strava app a bad review.  I did this a while back: a 1-star review and comments that Strava lies about integrations on their subscription marketing and purchase page. I have also canceled my premium subscription until this is fixed. We need to make it hurt for them!

Mt. Kenya

Can we please just get strava to move ahead with this?  It's been years... this is probably more valuable than 'dark mode'....

Mt. Kenya

For the love of god, how is this still not implemented. This HealthKit feature came years ago, it’s not that hard.


im scratching my head thinking of devious reasons why strava may choose to skip the feature for some corporate reason and coming out with nothing. It makes strava a much worse proposition. The reason must just be bureaucracy or lack of care inside strava to continue with this unacceptable lack of integration.

Mt. Kenya

+1. It’s ridiculous that there’s plenty of “workarounds” that people recommend online. Which all come down to: use different apps to record and sync with Strava. So if another app can report cadence to Strava from an Apple Watch, why doesn’t Strava itself do it? Isn’t it in their best interest to keep people using their service instead of giving business away to other apps and services. Coming from a paying customer btw. 



Are Strava dragging your heels on this because you want to encourage people to use your own app instead?

If so, that’s a dirty game that only hurts and turns off your users.

You will simply drive them away from subscribing or using your app at all.


Strava iOS app update today appears to have added running power to Apple Health! Hopefully the others follow on shortly 🤞🏻


Why not do more at the same time??

Mt. Kenya

Im honestly surprised its not currently implemented

Mt. Kenya

If they just recently added running watts I feel there is hope for more cycling metrics as well.
Just hope they add watts and cadence plus whatever more they could add that I haven't thought about..

Mt. Kenya

Hard to believe that there is no response from Strava on this High Demanded (basic) functionality. The silence from the moderator is deafening! 

Mt. Kenya

There is an update from Strava on this thread but it was made nearly half a year ago and just lots of vague words with no substance ( something in the lines of “we will keep improving our app and everything is very important to us”) - corporate sounding bs 🙁 Please Strava, just fix it already.