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Status: Open To Voting

Under segments compare there's the choice to see times and ranks against a filter of age, followers and the like and there's a today filter which is really useful for seeing how you and your buddies did on a section, however, it would be HUGELY useful if there was a filter by date option even if you could select a specific date going only back a few days. Ideally we could be able to select an unlimited date range for eg. The weekend of *>*


Status changed to: Open To Voting

I strongly agree with this.  Segments are frequently used for enduro style competitions as well as others where they give people a certain day to complete the segment(s).  The way it is now, the results have to be found and tabulated before midnight of that same day or else they are lost without a ton of extra work digging through each and every activity file from every participant.  If you could at least look at "yesterday", or better yet any specific date, then it would be much more useful and save a lot of hassle.  

Mt. Kenya

The idea would be to have a filter for segments by date. This could be beneficials for race days to see how you did that day compared to others versus the current screen of only seeing your own results or only the PR on the leaderboard.

Next, having a range of dates to filter could be useful for virtual races/events that allow multiple attempts on a segment or a lapped race over a 24 hour period. Another use could be for teams to train on specific segments to help collate data by date.

Status changed to: New Idea
Moderator Moderator

Hello @cid_greenfield 

Thanks for posting about this!  It is currently possible to filter segment leaderboards by current year, this day, this week, and this month, as well as show an All Time Leaderboard.


Do you think you'll find these options helpful?  We don't currently offer the ability to select a specific date range and filter just on that.


Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


@cid_greenfield Thanks for sharing this idea, a very similar feature was already requested in the Ideas board, so we’ve moved your post here. This helps us keep the forums organized and makes sure suggestions are easy to find and votes for them aren’t divided across duplicate ideas. Don’t forget to show your support by clicking on the kudos button.

Mt. Kenya

Good evening @Jane 

Thank you for the reply and screenshot. I had no idea that existed! It blends in quite well along the top of the chart. Yes, that is super helpful! A specific date range would be cool one day too.

The next idea would be to figure out how to imbed that specific inquiry.

Thanks again!

Mt. Kenya

The possibility to view the segment leaderboard on a specific date in the past by calendar.
For example to check the segment record during a past race day.

Mt. Kenya

It would be fantastic if you could add a "Yesterday" option to the Top 10 section in the segments analysis please.  It's often the case that I don't get to look at Strava until the day after a ride / race / event and as such I miss out on being able to use the "Today" option to compare my effort to others I've ridden with.

Come to think of it, going a step further, maybe an option to be able to select a date on which to compare would be even better..

Mt. Kenya

Or "Sameday" to se a leader board from the same day I passed through the segment. It is not just the case of looking the next day, but I often finish the activity after midnight and then there is no way to look yesterdays passes.

Mt. Kenya

Since I'm not in the running for KOMs, I'm often interested in how I went against other athletes on a segment on that particular day. Unfortunately, once midnight strikes, that history is lost forever.

Would it be possible to save an 'On This Day' filter on leaderboards that keeps a daily history of efforts? Then I could go back and see I was third fastest on a given day, etc.


Pico de Orizaba

I think, given the enormous amount of segments, that this would take a lot of space. Might be unreasonable. For the time being though, you could always screenshot the leaderboards that you did good on and have a personal archive

Pico de Orizaba

At least please add "YESTERDAY" to the drop down list

Pico de Orizaba

Yes Strava, just build in a calendar feature into your default drop down list and please add "YESTERDAY"


When browsing a segment leaderboard, I would like the ability to input custom date ranges, not just today / this week / this month / this year / all-time.

This comes up most often after I've participated in an organized bike race and I want to see how everyone did that day on certain segments. Unfortunately I can no longer view the leaderboard for that specific day once that day has passed. 

Or, I might have put in a solid effort on a segment on a particular day and want to see how I fared against others who rode that same segment with those conditions on that same day. I am no longer able to see that leaderboard view after that day has passed.


I think this is similar to this idea here: but will let the moderators review