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Mt. Kenya

Oh man, this becoming so important. All that Zwift jive in my Strava feed is so annoying and driving me away from it...

Mt. Kenya

I agree completely with the need to filter.

The 'useless' strava activities are annoying me as well for quite some time.


In absence of such a filter, here are some tips:

  1. Mute the large volume spammers.
  2. I myself was quite the spammer before. I also struggled with the fact indoor activities and ‘stupid’ walks where ‘live’ before I could put them privately.

To counter this,  I have set my privacy settings as such that all new activities are shown only for me after upload.

After upload, I change the activity to ‘visible to everyone’. The non-interesting activities I mute, so they do not show up in anyone’s newsfeed. The interesting ones I do not mute so I get feedback. The muted ones are never liked, or only very rarely in the occasion someone visits your profile directly. The advantage of not keeping them private is that they count in leaderboards etc. . But by putting them privately as a standard, they never get in anyones newsfeed unwanted.

Mt. Kenya

Yes, that’s how I do it, I only post activities of more than an hour and only outdoor rides.

I‘ve muted a ton of people, but that’s not really the idea of strava. I would also see when they do cool rides and give them kudos, especially if they are friends of mine. So I really think strava needs to figure this one out.

Mt. Kenya

No matter how many comments are put forward, Strava won’t listen. It has become yet  another shameless data mining platform. Maybe it’s time start uploading “ putting the bins out” or “walking across the lounge to collect the tv remote” or “hoovering the hog hairs from the kitchen floor” or even a “ finger activity - whinging to strava about the utter **bleep**e that’s now in everyone’s feed” swamp it so users leave in droves to another platform that just shows users real activities.


Mt. Kenya

Hello Strava devs,

How's it going with what change request? It's quite popular (a lot of Kudos!) and I must admit that it would be nice to have such an option in the API. 


Filtering a feed by activity is a feature asked for by many people, many times. 

As an example I looked at my feed today. Of the first 10 entries, 9 were virtual rides. I only care about outdoor rides and other outdoor activities rides so want to remove indoor activities from my feed. Filtering is not rocket science. Presumably sponsorship or otherwise is a big influence on the reluctance to act on this.


Everyone wants to be able to focus and comment/kudos on the activities that one is interested in - this encourages social interaction, a core Strava goal. Being spammed by many irrelevant activities creates disinterest. Having control of the content in your own feed should be a core component of a paid subscription.

Today, as on many non-summer days, 90% of the posts on my feed are from Zwift or other indoor activities. I am only interested in outdoor activties and want to restrict my stream to only highlight these. Surely this should be a simple filter to add to the activity feed, it is not rocket science.

Mt. Kenya

Surprised not to see this feature implemented yet.  I don't need to see people's dog walks or trips to the mail box = ), I can probably do with out the yoga and weight sessions clogging up my feed.  Basically if there is no map for the activity I would prefer not to see it.  Also I don't need to see folks Alpine Ski Runs.

Mt. Kenya

Strava is just a data mining hub now for various sports organisations. No different to Facebook Instagram and all the other fake lives platforms out there. Mute everyone that posts benign junk. 

Mt. Kenya

Let premium users filter their FEED!

I am a outdoor real world cyclists, I don't want to see running, watertsports, the **bleep** SWIFT or virtual rides.

I want me feed to be full of routes I can actually bicycle!!!

Give me panel of check boxes so I can turn off all the crap  don't wanna see!

Seriously must be the easiest SQL query it edit.

Mt. Kenya

I miss seeing rides that are cool because I give up after scrolling through 75 zwift activities first. I don’t think zwift rides are cool so I’d like to filter them out

Mt. Kenya

Where are we with this enhancement? It seems like a complete “no-brainer” and can’t be difficult to implement.


Mt. Kenya

Just putting it out there since Strava seems to be forcing these indoor virtual activities down our throats due to whatever partnership arrangements they've made, but, I literally hate Pelaton, Zwift, more than I ever have. So at least as far as I'm concerned, if the strategy was to not give us the ability to filter these activities out of our feeds, and in turn net more subscribers for these platforms, it didn't work. 


I quit using strava because my activity feed was full of virtual rides and home workouts. I don't care what people do at their homes, that's boring. 


I want my feed to be an outdoor playground full of real life photos and impressions! 


Mt. Kenya

I'd like to have the ability to filter my activity feed by activity type