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Status: Open To Voting

I like that I can add parts like wheel, chain etc. to my bike an get the kilometers I used them.

As winter is coming I'll use my bike on a wheel on trainer (Tacix).
Therefore I change the rear tire to a special one and the front tire for sure will not get any kilometers on. 
In spring/summer I'll put back the current rear tire and keep going with the front tire.

So therefore it would be nice to stop/pause the usage of parts and then just activate it again.
So the used kilometers on this part are still correct.


Very nice! I have a similar request to you as well.

Specifically I would like to track when which kid (passenger) is riding in the baby-seat or when I'm using a 20-tooth rear sprocket in Single Speed configuration. I was thinking if we had a way to personalize each activity with tags (much like we can tag these posts on this Community Hub) we could then report on those personalized tags/activities - which could also show distance used as you desire.

I posted my idea over here: -Do you think it could help you as well?

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.


As someone who regularly swaps tires on a gravel bike—route conditions dictate which set is going to be most appropriate—this would be a very useful feature.

Add the ability to edit the pause (currently “retire”) date so miles/km are correctly calculated, and it’d be even more useful.

Jim Millard
Mt. Kenya

Would be super useful.


Agreed - I forget to retire gear sometimes until a few months later, so the inability to adjust the date it is retired renders this feature useless for tracking usage of said gear.


+1 useful part of strava to monitor our gears but it could be useful to be able to just swap our tires for mtb (dry/mud condition) with need to retire and create new tires each time...

it could be nice too to have not only distance but time too of components for the maintenance of parts like forks


Mt. Kenya

This is a very common use case for every serious cyclist. I really wonder why it hasn’t been already implemented!

Mt. Kenya

agree, it' normal to I swap Wheel/tire/casset on the bike, so it would be grat to swap in My gear rather than only retire/delete option

Mt. Kenya

Adding my vote to this too 🙂

e.g I have two different sets of wheels for my gravel bike (700C and 650B wheelsets which I use as alternatives) and currently I have to "retire" the wheels every time I swap them over and create new components for them when I swap back.  The only way to calculate the total mileage for the wheels/tyres is to add them together manually

Mt. Kenya

It looks like really useful. I'm changing wheel sets between Gravel and Road and don't have proper calculation in Strava of milage of each set.


I like this: I have one frame, same running gear but with winter tyres or "summer" or sometimes knobby, smooth and back and forth. So pausing would be awesome. Well i have  "wants" higher up on my list but... you know 😃

Mt. Kenya

I'm just adding to the chorus, requesting the ability to pause, unretire, or otherwise be able to reactivate a component that was swapped off the bike and then later added again. I would also like the ability to move components between bikes. I have several saddles and handlebars that I swap around between bikes and it would be nice to follow each component's lifetime on whichever bike it happens to be installed on today.

Mt. Kenya

Ottima idea poter mettere in pausa i componenti. ho mandato una richiesta simile al team strava per chiedere di aggiungere la funzione "pausa" componenti.

Great idea being able to pause the components. I sent a similar request to the strava team asking to add the "pause" components feature.

Mt. Kenya

Retiring a component with a date would be so so helpful, as I usually forget to do it and retiring days/weeks later completely invalidates all the distance tracking for the components.

So please implement it!


Mt. Kenya


Swapping tires multiple times a year and keeping record of each tires mileage is not really possible with the current way gear tracking works.

this feature REALLY needs an update!