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Status: Open To Voting

I’ve been the victim of allowing a new follower access to my profile whereupon they went to my KOM folder and started targeting those segments. I have only ridden with the person one time before and it was part of a larger group. I only accepted the follower request to be polite not thinking too much about it. I think it would be a good feature within profile settings that allows the profile owner to toggle on/off follower access to their KOM folder. 


KOMs are public data and are there to be challenged. I would advise getting better on the segments to get the lost KOMs back.


KOMS are public data. Agree. Therefore restricting their access in a private profile if an individual so chooses makes it more difficult for a follower to target an individual. The follower instead would have to find all the segments themselves using maps, which they can do because they are public except lots of segments don’t shop up on default segment maps.  An assumption was made that this request is due to lost KOMS. That is incorrect. This is about a profile having a setting that allows the profile user to choose what within their profile followers have access to. 


Haha classic, id have done the same thing. KOM is KOM. If you want it back try harder


@WhippetHood  That you lost KOMs was a wrong assumption then, but the only one that made sense because you described yourself as a victim. I fail to see the harm when someone knows about your KOMs but that's maybe personal sensitivity.


@Jan_Mantau  have you ever gone on a ride where you meet new people and you speak to them for a few mins on the ride. At the end of the ride you get some new follower requests from these people and to be polite you accept; you don’t really know them from Adam but you wish there was a bit more ability within your own profile to accept their follower request albeit be able to limit/restrict their access to certain things in your profile as you haven’t really had a chance to vet them. That’s what I’m talking about. 

Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Note: The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. 

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team