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Mt. Kenya

It would be good to have a function where a particular segment can be chosen (could be a favourite that an individual has, or perhaps one that someone is wanting to get a good time on), and then similar segments (length, average gradient etc) within a chosen radius from a starting point are suggest as similar segments. For instance, I'm going on holiday and there's a particular segment that I want to get a good time on. To help me train for it, it would be good if I could look at what segments within 10km/20km of where I live are the most similar.

Status changed to: Open To Voting


Thanks for submitting your idea to enable similar segments. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

We have something sort of along that vein of thought in the Maps tab -- The Discover New Places option will display popular segments in your area in a list and gives a brief rundown of the segment length and grade. So this doesn't let you compare segments per say, and you'd have to browse through the list manually to find a similar one.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello. We wanted to let you know that your idea submission from March of 2023 will be archived. While this idea is interesting, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this and currently aren’t able to prioritize this idea.

Please note that your feedback is valuable to Strava. As stated in our Community Idea Guidelines, we receive many idea submissions each week, and realistically, there may be various reasons that prevent us from including an idea on our Product Roadmap.  

We want to thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team