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Status: Open To Voting

Seeing the new features rolled out is great, but there's still work to be done matching functionality between app and website.  Ideally, if it's important enough to exist in one, it should also be in the other.  Examples:

1. Adding Gear: Given that STRAVA now has so many activity categories, it would be nice to add gear other than shoes and bikes; I log roughly 20 miles per week on a Concept2 rower, and would like to aggregate that data in the app/website.

2. Segment creation/searching/exploring:  Searching is clunky on the app, but very intuitive on the website, and creation of segments is only available through the website.

3. Course Creation/searching/exploring: Similar to Segments, creation is somewhat cumbersome on the app to the point where folks just don't use it; I make it a point to only create routes on the website for the sake of my own sanity.  In dire straits, I actually prefer the CityStrides route builder over that of either STRAVA or Garmin Connect apps.

4. FlyBy:  This was once an awesome function, albeit only really viewable from the website, and since STRAVA changed their privacy policies making the user default as 'opted out', it's essentially unused.  Also, FlyBy isn't widely advertised as a feature, and not obvious to app users that it even exists.

5. Muting Activities:  An activity can only be muted through the app, and not the website.
DELIVERED: Enable Muted activities on web

6. Managing Goals:  Currently only Running, Cycling, and Swimming distance goals can be viewed/managed through the website, but other activities like Rowing can be viewed/managed through the app.

7. Choosing Favorite Athletes/Activity Alerts:  Designation of specific friends/athletes as "favorites" and opting into notifications of their activities is only available through the app.

8. Although not available on either the website or the app, the ability to simply edit your comment on someone's activity would be very helpful, and seems like pretty low-hanging fruit.

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for sharing your suggestion to add the ability to manually enter elevation in the mobile app, not just on the website. It's been approved and is open to voting.

Regarding goals, the mobile app currently supports goals for all Sport Types, whereas the website only supports goals for run/ride/swim. This discrepancy has been brought up with our product team, but I will gladly resurface this. You can read more about goals here: 


@Soren - Thanks for passing that along.  Regarding the goals, all of my 7 goals are either running or riding, yet only 2 (one of each) are viewable from the website.  

Mt. Kenya

I’ve been loving the Strava premium training plans, following it to a T. But very tired of having to log into web just to see it. If you can sync it with phone calendar that would be great or even just let us look in the app.

Mt. Kenya
  • You have to use the desktop version in order to create new segments. It would be nice to be able to create them in the app. 
Mt. Kenya

I appreciate that running power has been added to mobile, but please add the graph/data to the web app so I can view it on my computer (as one can with TrainingPeaks, Final Surge, Garmin Connect, etc.)

Mt. Kenya

Bikers can use the Premium feature 'Best Efforts Power Curve', but runners can't see anything here even though we have the power data in our runs. Please adjust this existing feature to make it accessible for runners.

Mt. Kenya

Yes we need that, please add this function.


I think paying for premium at £47 a year is a lot when you're don't have an decent training plan integrated into the App. It used to use endomondo (then map my run) and they were cheaper but had training plans integrated into the App. So for example I'd select a training plan for a distance such as half marathon, put in a race date, my level of effort and number of times I could train. The app would generate a training plan that was in the app so that it would alert me to a training plan event. In addition to this it would also (for example) run the training session within the app so that if it was fartlek then it would tell me, fast for x seconds, rest for x seconds etc and the same for other types of training sessions, it would be like having a run coach (or cycling) in your pocket. This is almost dare I say an essential feature and I only paid for the premium product because I was under the strong impression that training plans were included. Calling it a training plan when all it does is link to an external website which is static and doesn't even explain what the type of training session is! You should be ashamed strava as you're supposed to be a good product. I'm pretty sure that many others would like this feature please. I could have just downloaded any old training plan and read it but the point of having an app with you is that it could (and should) be so much better than this. 


I agree with this premise.  The more the app and web site can converge the better.  


It is cool to be able to compare your milage statistics with your friends over the year, however, it seems to only be possible from desktop version of Strava.


There is an inconsistency in an order of Your Results segment data. In the web they are sorted based on your result (the best result at the top), but in mobile app (Android) - in chronological order. It is a bit confusing. I guess would be better to have the same sorting for both apps - based on the results rather than date.Screenshot_5.pngphoto_2023-04-03_09-59-27.jpg


I second that, segment results in the app should be ordered by elapsed time, not by date. The effort graph in the app (the blue dots in khr's screenshot) aren't much useful to place the current segment effort in the overall picture, especially if there are many efforts for that segment.

Pico de Orizaba

There are some good tools in the iOS application in regards to segment searching that are not available online. From the Maps tool > select segments, and you'll find "visit popular spots", "climb leaderboard", and "break your record" amongst other tools. Why haven't those been rolled out online? Not going to say it'll keep me paying past the coming subscription premium hike but it would be awesome to have access to those application widgets online.
Pico de Orizaba

I agree, it would add a bit more cohesiveness between the app and the website. As it stands, the segment features feel pretty different between platforms so sometimes it can be tricky to find certain segments on the website.


Hey Strava developers! I appreciate that it is now possible to manage shoes in the app. But there is an issue shown in the screenshot below. For the shoes that have a nickname, only nicknames are shown in the list, which makes it hard to tell which is which. Historically, on the web nickname is always shown at the end of shoe brand and model - that's why nicknames I give to shoes are usually their colors or their numbers (if I have more than one pair of shoe of the same model). Can we please make this consistent between the app and the web version? 
