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Just wondering why I can't find the January Run 200K & 300K Challenges? 

Hey @TrailJunky,
Thanks for your post. We have made some changes to the monthly challenge goals, some goals have been modified while others have been removed and replaced with new challenge types. Additionally, some monthly challenges will now allow additional sport types to count towards completion. 

We’re committed to supporting the growing needs of our community and welcome your feedback or engage in the discussion on this post. Show your support for this idea by clicking on the kudos button. 

Agree - these appear to have been removed, as well as walks now counted towards running targets. A poor change - please add them back in. A useful motivational challenge to collect 12 300k/200k trophies a year 

Hey @MattBrewis
Thanks for your feedback. Please be sure to add this feedback to this idea (if you haven't already). Our team is following and reviewing all comments and value your input. 

Hi Scout, this shouldn’t come as a shock but most athletes chase distance based goals. I.e a marathon, a Miler, etc. Time based goals don’t really relate to level of effort and are of little interest to me. I am also curious why bike riders get to keep their 600km per month goal while runners don’t? Having done 3 years of 300km running goals I would say that’s the only goal Strava could offer that challenged me, but obviously I am in the minority.

Looking at the Challenges available I can't see any that will motivate me as much as the 200K and 300K Run Challenges. For context, last year I trained for 55Hrs per month.

cheers TJ

Scout - thanks, I’ve put my comment on the other ‘idea’ as requested. But TJ is spot on - for distance running, it’s a mix of time and mileage. Please reconsider!

Hey there. I’m gutted on this one. The 200k challenge was my main goal for a top month of solid base running, 300k if I was marathon training. Please bring them back. While I appreciate 100k is more accessible it takes away a lot from us higher mileage folks.



How is getting rid of perfectly good challenges going to benefit your community? The 100k a month is a solid challenge for some, but too little for others. Just add challenges but keep the ones that were there and people enjoyed? 

I can’t believe you’ve moved/changed them. Was disappointed not to receive my 200k badge today and I’m on (sorry was on) for my first ever 300k badge. Not sure the new ones make up for it! 

Only the 100Kms is available. Strava support don’t help me because only i got automatic answers 


I don't understand why these badges have been removed. Any runner I've discussed this with is also confused. Why fix what isn't broken? Also, to lump different activities together makes no sense. I want my badges back

I do both walking and running and like to see my stats separately not added together which is what is now happening from Jan 2024 on the 100k challenge badge!

Now I am having to work out where I am at this month in relation to kilometres ran vs walked. 
I am also gutted the 200k running badge has disappeared! I am thinking about cancelling my monthly subscription as you are not listening to what members want! 

It's a terrible idea tbh. I've now taking screenshot of the badges and will use those. I'm now looking into whether to stay with Strava as a paid subscription or to quit it

Agree that this was a horrible move.

I want the 200/300 km challenges back.

Why not get feedback before making changes?

Are you a bot Scout? How about some meaningful human interaction with those of us in the Strava community who think that the changes stink? How about not just some cut n' paste reply that doesn't address ANY of the issues we've been bringing up? 

What's going on then. Just put these badges back on. A vague answer isn't good enough

Agreed. Strava seems to make it difficult to monitor monthly distance by activity for some strange reason I like to see how I’m doing by month and the 200km running challenge was one way of doing this relatively easily. Please restore it. Thanks 

Bit silly to remove distance goals considering most runners training for a marathon will reach 100k in little over a week…

Tbh they should remove all distance goal badges. Why stop at 200 and 300. Why not take 100, 10 and 5 as well

What is the outcome of your review into this idea please?

Hello! This is my first comment here. I come to complain about the removal of the  300km and 200km running challenges. Please, restore them! #MakeNewChallenges, not remove the old ones. If more challenges, better, but never exclude the olds, please.

February looks like it will be a challenge free month. Seems bizarre for Strava not the have a challenge that is "challenging", but there isn't anything in the current Run Challenges that will take me more than two weeks to complete which is a shame. 

Not the first time that Strava has destroyed a perfectly good feature, RIP Segments.

All the best, TJ

went to join the badges as like to do it one month in year as a challenge and fuming it’s not there 😫 probably won’t bother now 🤣 no badge, then can’t be asked🙊

Why did you remove the 200/300 km “RUN” challenges?

Can you please put them back?

Thank you 

Hey Scout,

First time commenter here - I came here to find out more about why the 200km badge has been removed. 

One thing I will add - if the intention behind these challenge removals was that it seemed out of reach of newer runners - I can say from first hand experience having done couch to 5k pre pandemic and only just working up to running 100-200km per month now that a bigger challenge target wouldn’t have put me off / given strava an elite-only feel at all.

one thing that i might suggest is keeping a range of challenges, including those for beginners right through those for genuinely elite athletes - but creating a suggestion algorithm for challenges so  that appropriate standard challenges are first suggested according to ability. If you can gamify this right it will make it a great experience for new and experienced athletes alike. 

I agree with @jjmurph 

could you consider a range of challenges for all abilities please, and of course include run/walk combined badges for those that want them 

