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Leave group


Can we add an option to leave groups you no longer wish to belong to. 


Moderator Moderator

Hey @RMSouthAfrica
Thanks for reaching out. I'm not sure if you are referring to leaving a group challenge or removing yourself from a club. For either of these, you can remove yourself at anytime. 

To leave a group challenge: 
You can leave a challenge at any time. If you're using the mobile app simply click on the "Challenges" tab in Strava and click on the specific Challenge page you wish to leave. Scroll down and tap the "Details & Eligibility" link, from there you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Leave Challenge" option.

To leave a club that you are currently a member of, please follow the steps below:

  • log in to
  • navigate to the club's page by clicking on the club's name on the lower right side of your dashboard page
  • click on the blue "Leave" link next to the "Members" heading on the right

on the app:

  • Go to the Groups tab in the Strava app, then the Clubs subtab (default)
  • Find the club in question and press it to open the club details screen
  • Press the Overview button in the carousel toward the top of the screen
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Overview screen and use the 'Leave Club' button

I hope this helps!


Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post


Hey @Pallav
Are you referring to leaving a club? If so, if you are the owner of a club, you can manage both club admins and members as well as transfer ownership. 

Please note that only admins can have club ownership transferred to them; members must be promoted to admin status before having ownership transferred to them. Club admins are always visible on club member lists; admins in large clubs with 5000+ members will need to follow any non-admin member that they wish to promote in order to see them on the club's Members list.

  • Navigate to the club in question, then, the Members tab of the club. You will see a list of club admins followed by club members

Cub owners will see an option to transfer ownership when hovering over an admin's profile

In the Strava mobile app:

  • Navigate to the Groups tab at the bottom of the screen, you should land on the Clubs subtab where you can find and open the club in question
  • Press the Overview button in the carousel toward the top of the screen
  • On the Overview screen, find and press the 'View all members' link. There will be two tabs, Everyone, and Admins
  • On either tab, each member profile will have an ellipses icon

Cub owners will see an option to transfer ownership when pressing the ellipses icon on an admin profile.

I hope this helps!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team