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Ironing out the kinks

  • November 19, 2024
  • 3 replies


I am very much a low pace, low mileage runner who has not really desire to be superfast. Nonetheless being able to accurately record the time I have been out running against the distance I covered in that time is important for me to assess progress. 

I live in an area in which GPS is dodgy to the left of me (woods) and to the right of me (heavy built up area)! I very rarely get a correct route on my run, with wild forays off track which can add up to quite a bit of extra mileage.  One run I completed said that I was running 3min km pace - seriously I am not even close to that fast, I think I am likely around 8min km pace. I have tried other ways to measure but it all gets really tiresome and when you are paying for a data collection software it would be nice to have that record distance and time.

I appreciate that strava can’t be responsible for sorting out GPS signals so as a last resort if we are able to post run edit the map to iron out the kinks then at least pace could be recorded on the strava app. I understand also that this may mean losing some additional data, such as specific HR when maps have been edited but again, happy to lose this for accurate progress tracking. 

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  • Hub Expert
  • 430 replies
  • November 19, 2024

Sometimes when my gps struggles (not too often luckily), the “correct distance” feature helps - it should recalculate the distance based on the map data, which effectively fixes also the pace on the messed up segments. I’m not sure whether it helps in your scenario too but perhaps it's worth trying..?

(Note - the feature is only available on the Strava website, not in the mobile app… so you need to open the activity on the web and then navigate through the menu on the left)


  • Author
  • Hub Rookie
  • 1 reply
  • November 19, 2024

Hi Jana


I have been in touch a few times with strava about this and they have never ever suggested this feature! 


Thank you 


will look now. 



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  • December 6, 2024
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