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CR Crown on profile photo


CR crowns with a plus sign with how many course records you have should be on or next to your profile photo. I mean it is actually a really big deal to hold an actual world record recorded time on a specific segment of earth and it should be properly celebrated! 

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If it’s a big deal depends on where you live. There are enough areas where people don’t care much about sports and you can easily collect CRs, especially when you are the one that has to create the segments.


I agree with the idea.  In fact, as ideas go, it's not new.  See this thread from two years ago:  In there several of us mentioned it might be nice to see the number of KOM's (now called CR's) directly on the profile as a means of showing how accomplished a member is.  That idea is still open for voting... feel free to add your vote! 


I hold about dozen CRs, but I am strongly against this idea. This would encourage behavior that is frowned upon by many.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • January 17, 2025
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