I used 'Draw your own route' with iPhone app and was able to finish it. Once I saved it it is no longer there. Now when I click on Maps -> Routes to check routes for my city, I see only 3 old ones. I don't see the ones I created.
On the other hand, once I logged in your website, I am able to see all routes I created.
Best answer by ugljanin
Dear Jane. As I told you in my previous comment. My routes are visible in Maps>Routes>Saved>Saved Routes. So that is not an issue, an issue is that I want to see more routes in Maps->Routes. Please tell me how to do that, how can my routes appear in Maps->Routes, and I am not saying about Maps>Routes>Saved>Saved Routes which works on my iPhone.
Thanks for posting about this and sorry to hear there's an issue. Can you confirm you're going to Maps>Routes>Saved>Saved Routes to view your Routes in the Mobile App?
If you are, and you're not seeing all your Saved Routes, please try signing out of the Strava on the App and back in, to see if that refreshes the list.
Thank you Jane for your support. I can see routes in Saved Routes, but how can they appear to everyone in Maps->Routes. How can they appear on that place? My city has a lot of active Strava users, but very few of routes is there. New users don't know the routes, I want to share it with them.
Dear Jane. As I told you in my previous comment. My routes are visible in Maps>Routes>Saved>Saved Routes. So that is not an issue, an issue is that I want to see more routes in Maps->Routes. Please tell me how to do that, how can my routes appear in Maps->Routes, and I am not saying about Maps>Routes>Saved>Saved Routes which works on my iPhone.
The Routes that show on the Routes tab (as opposed to the Saved tab) are Strava's Suggested Routes. These routes are based on public Strava activities and open-source data from OpenStreetMap. We create them by selecting popular waypoints nearby that match your search criteria, and then we generate a looped course around those waypoints using alignment data to optimize the route. It's not an option to share routes you've created to this section, as it's reserved for Strava's Suggested Routes. Sorry for any confusion on that.
It is possible to share a route your created from either the Mobile App or the Web. On the Mobile App, select the route you want to share, then select the share icon. From there you can share it within Strava (to your Clubs or followers) as well as choose an "copy link" option to share it outside of Strava. On the Web, navigate to the Route page, select the down arrow and then select "share".
Sorry, it's not possible to see your created routes in the Maps->Routes section on the Mobile App. That section is reserved for Strava's Suggested Routes.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So the Maps function is just for suggested routes from Strava! So no one will ever see my routes unless I personally share it or Strava random picks my routes due to an algorithm. I, like so many others, can now stop trying to do this.
In the mobile app, if you go to record, and then tap the icon that looks like two dots connected by a dotted line that makes an S pattern you can load routes that you've created, and use it to follow them. Hope this helps!
Thanks for your post and sorry for any confusion over this. You can see routes you've created on the Mobile App:
Navigate to the Maps tab and make sure "routes" is selected in the drop-down menu. An option to view your saved routes will then appear at the bottom of the screen.
Same here. In the APP I can create a route, but then can never find the created/saved routes. They appear to only be available looking at the Strava website. This makes creating a route in the mobile APP pretty much useless.
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