Hi everyone,
Me and my gf ride bikes a lot. We logged 140+hours this year alone and very decent volume in last two years as well. We upload our rides with power and heart rate data. My girlfriend is quite strong and gets a lot of QOMs, often ahead of pro riders. Unfortunately lately someone regularly flags here activities. She marks them as ok, then get a flag again and then needs to wait for days until it’s resolved.
Nice thing about getting a QOM is that your friends see it and can congratulate it. Silly or not that’s what the feature is about for many people - you enjoy your achievement. When the activities are flagged it has reverse effect: people think something was wrong and she gets worried people will think she is cheating.
I find it very unfair that she needs to wait for review to get her achievements visible again. She uploads here rides with HR and power date. Her profile is open so everyone can look at her training history. The power is very consistent as well (this year she hit her power numbers in February that she had in April last year so she is a bit ahead in the base period this time around).
Why not reverse the order and leave the achievements visible until the review takes place? That would remove the joy the jealous flaggers get while the end result would be the same (after the review take place). I find current policy to be bully friendly. It shouldn’t be the case that one person can make your achievements disappear for days after you score them.