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GET segment_efforts


Good morning,

I'm trying to obtain the times of each user on a segment, but it's not being possible. Firstly, because if I have the user log in on my platform to exchange the access token, I get an error that only one person can be connected. So, I conducted a test by making this request:, which is executed correctly but I had to use the user's access token by creating an API in their profile... and obviously, for my program, I don't want that, to obtain the segment_effort. I would like to know if there would be a possibility to take the times of each user from a segment created with my user acting as an API, specifically using my own Strava API. Always assuming that the user has public visibility.
Or what possible solutions are there for this problem.

Thank you.

2 replies


Hey stravalamessier, you're going to need to request an rate limit increase. Take a look at this post for additional information.


  • Superuser
  • 232 replies
  • August 15, 2024

As @SkippyVasquez said, the first thing you'll need to request a rate limit increase to get out of "single player mode"

Once you have that, you'll need to set up the OAuth flow to have users authorize your app. When they do that, you will get an access and refresh token for each user which you can then use to make API requests on their behalf without requiring them to set up an app in their profile.


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