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I'm trying to analyse how much time an athlete spends in a specific power zone based on athlete's zone.

When pulling an activity with "getZonesByActivityId" the distribution_buckets values do not match the athlete zones, they are just fixed buckets 0-50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 ...

The zones for heartrate data are correctly matching the athlete's zone but the power data is not.

Any idea why this is happening?



I would say it's intentionally, maybe it's easier that way for them.

Heartrate data is split correctly and it's pretty much the same amount of data.

The documentation says nothing about using the athletes own zones so there is no correct or incorrect here.


I have the same issue. I have right values for heartrate, but I have the same as you for power (0-50, 50-100, ...)

Any idea how to get the right values fur power distribution bukets ?

I'm looking to achieve the same, see the time spent in each zone of the athlete but I'm facing the same issue.

Any update?
