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Is the "Get Activity Streams (getActivityStreams)" failing when the activity is too long? Anyway to limit the number of coordinates you are returning?


Thank you


It's not clear from your description if you have encountered a problem or if you're just curious. In any case some more details would be helpful.

Hi @Jan_Mantau,

sure, I can try to explain a bit more. For me the "Get Activity Streams (getActivityStreams)" method response is too long when the activity more than 8h. The reply incldues too much data and the server response is 500. So, the question is, is there any possibility to limit the number of points to be returned so the response is not so heavy?


Thank you


Kind regards

If you don't do it already, maybe you can request the different measures (heartrate, watts etc.) one after another instead of everything at once. But as you describe it this is clearly a server side bug of Strava. Maybe it's only temporary (when under high load) but when not, it shouldn't be workarounded on client side but corrected by Strava.

Hi @Jan_Mantau,

totally agree on that! I already workarounded that on my side, but it would be great to limit the level of detail returned by Strava, so you can set a max number of points to be returned in every stream. That would be great. 

Thank you and have a nice day!!

There is a clear issue where Strava returns a 500 error for long-duration activities (which can last several hours or even days) when attempting to retrieve the activity streams.

I attempted to request the streams individually (e.g., latitude/longitude, time, distance, etc.), but this approach also fails for lengthy activities.

It would be very helpful to have a feature that reduces the data for long activities. For instance, if the activity is too long, the data returned could be split in different calls usinng pagination (new parameter on the getActivityStreams method) or by returning half/third/quarter of the points. This way, all the data could be provided with reduced accuracy, but avoiding the error.

Is there any chance this feature could be implemented in the getActivityStreams method by Strava? 

This funnctionality is needded, as there is no way to retrieve data from long distance activities at the moment.

Thank you for anny input here! 
