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I have a Strava group set up with over 200 members and I like to encourage them by adding a comment when I can

However, after about 20 or so comments, I do not seem to be able to post anymore as an error comes up


Why is there a comment posts limit, it's not very good if I can only reach 5% of my Strava group

Hey ​@naboozer,

We have limits in place for certain features on Strava to prevent anyone from abusing them. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Our team is continuing to evaluate and adjust our rate limits. While I’m are not able to disclose our exact rate limits.

I have directly relayed your feedback to our Development Team.

Bryant - what is the “cooling off” period, as it were? My club hosted a race yesterday where probably 70 people I know raced. There’s no abusing the system, spamming links; it’s just congratulating them and thanking them for doing the race. 

why do you place restrictions on comments? Worse, I’m a paid member - so I can’t use the service I’m literally paying for 
