I've often thought about an e-bike for commuting (I have a road bike and mountain bike now for the sheer joy of riding), as it would allow me to quickly get to work, but not be all sweaty and gross when I arrive (plus, I'm often feeling too lazy in the am to ride).
If I can only come up with a way to convince my spouse to let me get one...
I can't beleive this post.
- Strava has ignored ebikers since the beginning. The most voted featured in the old forum was to share same segments bikes and ebikes with 2 different leaderboard. Strava never answered.
- So we must create again all the segments which is stupid and a lost of time. Can you imagine male and female with different segments? And each age category with different segments? Me neither.
- And on top of that, Ebikes can't search segments.
So this create the biggest problem of Strava, which is that ebikers don't save their activities as ebike because the want to see their times in the old segments, breaking the leaderboards of standar bikes. You have created this conflict between standard bikes and Ebikes.
So for now i have quit the strava premiun subscription, because i can' compare, i only have a few segments in my favorite zone, and i can't search ebike segments.
Hi @Run11
Thanks for your candor.
We don't have an update to share about E-bike segments at this time, however please know that your feedback has been reviewed and we will provide updates as they become available.
You have valuable feedback on how to improve Strava. We appreciate hearing from you and will do what we can to surface hot topics and trends to our product teams. Thanks again for your contribution.
Hi all,
I have a few friends who have gotten in to cycling in the last 12 months, who would not have done so without being able to hop on an e-bike. Over post-ride coffee this morning they wondered why their only "ride type" option is "Commute" - whereas I have 'Race' or 'Workout'. This seems to me to be a not very subtle dig that e-bike riders aren't quite good enough. While my friends aren't interested in racing (nor am I, frankly), they most definitely are working out and I believe they should be able to mark their rides as such.
(btw, I've been a premium subscriber since December 2012)
I strongly agree with James and Cesar's comments. Strava's talk (this blog piece) and walk (eBike app settings) do NOT match!
As an eBike rider, having "commute" as my only option is disheartening and is, frankly, *ableist and discriminatory*. I use an eBike because of a disability. My eBike enables me to ride, slower than most "normal bike" riders, but it gets me out there. I couldn't ride the paths I do now without eBike support, it allows me to participate in the cycling community and (mostly) keep up with people without disability. Leaving us with "commute" as the only option leaves me feeling that Strava believes eBike riders are second class citizens. This is ableist as eBikes support accessibility for a range of disabilities/injury recovery/riders overcoming a range of other limitations! There should ABSOLUTELY be an option to select "workout," not just commute. My heart rate stats are absolutely the stats of a workout!
Regarding Cesar's comments on segments... My favourite local ride has something like 124 segments for "normal bikes" and 11 for eBikes. That's more than a 90% reduction! I don't have days of time to try and transfer or create new segments so that I can track my own progress as I continue riding. I don't want my stats to compete with non-eBikes. But having access to the same segments with an eBike leaderboard would help address the imbalance for people riding eBikes for accessibility. I would like to be able to see my own growth and progress in the same way that "normal bike" cyclists can.
Additionally, I find it *enormously* frustrating that I cannot participate in the monthly challenge distance totals as an eBike rider. There are no prizes for these. This is a discriminatory, non-inclusive practice. I understand for competitive challenges that I should be excluded... fair enough! But to be left out of most of the basic non-prize challenges is quite a slap in the spokes.
eBikes are evolving (I ride an eGravel/road bike), and they're not the high powered idea people have. I'm still working hard. eBikes are an aid and a support, and I would like to see Strava step up in their commitment to supporting people who have disabilities - who also love to ride - with inclusivity practices to match.
Finally, I do currently have a premium subscription, but honestly, stuff like this does make me consider not renewing in time. I appreciate you considering these issues.
Hello @celestialpoet and @jmcp
Thanks so much for your comments and feedback.
We do have an existing idea submission on e-bike segments that I would encourage you to check out. We would welcome your comments and votes (hit the kudos button), and adding these will help increase the visibility and popularity of this idea.
I would also encourage you to review our idea submission guidelines and feel free to add any additional ideas/suggestions that have not already been suggested. We appreciate you taking the time to voice your thoughts and look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.
Hi all
I’m just wondering why cycling challenges by Strava. Why aren’t e-bikes on them. Thanks
I want to warn for the surviving of strava while the charts are full of fake performances of ebike and spedelec users. On some segments ebikers are cheating all along and even after flagging their performances the strava support team doesn’t react and validate the fake performances even when it is obvious there is fraud . So a +70 aged rider was riding more than 30% better than the second in his category but no reaction . Why must we pay our fees of 5€ / month when cheaters are spoiling the charts?
Hello @Ian46
Thanks for mentioning Challenges. Although some of our Cycling Challenges do not include E-bike rides, some do, a couple of examples are below:
Example #1
Example #2
When you visit a Challenge page, you'll see a list of qualifying activities, so you'l want to check for Challenges that do include E-bikes. I hope that helps.
This article hits a little flat and disingenuous. I really like the content but it definitely seems tangential to how Strava actually treats e-bikers.
I'll echo the fact that "commute" is my only option, e-bikes are restricted from Strava's monthly challenges, there's a lot of vitriol towards e-bikers and it's just not cricket.
I, personally, am sitting pretty on my e-bike after multiple injuries and using it as stepping stone into fully pedal powered cycling. But if you look at my heart rate, my relative effort, you can't tell me that I'm not trying just as hard as other people just because I'm on an e-bike. I get further, and I go longer; great. Without an e-bike I'd be doing nothing. As it stands I'm cycling to work when I can instead of driving, does that not warrant pride? At the same time some evenings I lower the assistance and charge down the road to see how fast/far I can go...is that commuting?
The issue here is that we have the equivalent of F1 vs Formula E. Formula E is a viable sport in and of itself and gets leaderboards, challenges and a lot of the attention that F1 does but when it comes to cycling on Strava we don't get the same treatment.
I'm not expecting to be included in the same leaderboards or challenges but we should be able to have our own monthly challenges just like everyone else, we should be able to distinguish between our ride types because some definitely put more effort in than others.
By ignoring e-bikers you're creating an elitist environment and considering the increasing uptake referenced in your own article, Strava should be considering its stance on inclusivity since any effort it better than no effort and should be rewarded.
me as an Enduro e-biker think that we should be included in the same leaderbords than the non e-biker at least in the Downhill segments, because the motor doesent bring you an advantage when you driving faster than 25km/h.
Uphill is a different Story, make own leaderbords for e-bikes, can´t be that hard. You can separate in light E-MTB up to 60NM and the Bikes with more than 60NM
Someone tells me data´s are the new oil, you get many datas from the e-bikes, which are certainly also of interest to consumers and manufacturers.
pls make it happen, every e-biker i know would like to see his time in the leaderboards of the segments.
I'm 100% agree with Run's and Nussbaumer's posts.
These year i switched to ebike for the mtb enduro trails and i'm facing the same problems.
I also have created a lot of ebike segments, but it's impossible replicate identical to the normal bike ones. So it's impossible to compare the downhill performance beetween the two kind of bikes.
Am I missing something, or has Strava determined that my ebike rides don't count in the tally of my annual mileage? I don't understand this. I've just come back from a tough three day tour of the Dales in England and none of my mileage has been added. Why not? Is there a workaround for this? Strava needs to adjust to the increasing numbers of people who use ebikes. We are also 'athletes', some of us exceptionally good athletes in our earlier years. Our distance tallies still matter to us, and our rides are still human powered, just assisted. Disappointed...
Strava should take care of the e-bikers, just imagine what happens to starva if some or many of the e-bikers change their ride from e-Bike to normal bike ride just to see the correct milage/KOM's this will destroy Strava for bio biker's.
And an other thing, last time i take a ride with my old bio bike, and guess what...my e Bike in eco mode is quite the same strength to drive than driving with a light bio bike.
If Strava will not integrate E-Bikes well I will leave Strava when my subscription ends next year
At Nussbaumer I agree completely with you and ask hereby Jane to take care of all the remarks About Ebikes and create a seperate challenge for ebikers while they are spoiling right now the regulars rankings. Please take action
I too am disappointed and confused by the e-bike implementation in Strava.
I have 2 bikes, a regular mountain bike and an e-bike mountain bike. I trade off between the 2 bikes depending upon where I am riding (can't ride an e-bike in the national forest for example) and my recovery time. I would like to set different weekly goals for each but Strava does not have an e-bike goal!
The biggest issues are with My Stats in my profile. There are different activity types (e-bike, bike, hike and run) but Strava adds both regular and e-bike stats to the bike activity type. To figure out how far I have ridden my regular bike I have to subtract the e-bike mileage from the bike mileage. Why can't the e-bike activity type be excluded from the bike activity type? This makes no sense!
I also agree with the other posts that we should be able to search for e-bike segments. I like to look at segments to find new rides or see how I compare against my friends but we can't do that with e-bikes.
It should not be this difficult to track stats for the different bike types!
Hi @ClarkP
Thanks for your comments and feedback. Just wanted to clarify a couple of things.
On the lower right of your own profile page, you can see your personal stats for the sport types you uploaded most frequently within the past 90 days. E-bike rides broken out from rides and you can see the totals for each. For example here my e-bike totals:
And here are my ride totals:
Also, it is possible to set a e-bike goal. It has to be done in the Mobile App. Full instructions here.
I know all that but my point is that the rankings are spoiled by cheaters who on purpose try to put themselves on the top of the ranking by cheating with an ebike. I’m waiting for a solution by the strava team otherwise I fear that Stravawill not survive.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the reply.
I have a few E-Mountain Bike Ride goals already setup in the app (Android). However, there is a bug...
I rode 26.1 miles yesterday on an E-Mountain Bike Ride:
In the screenshot above you can see that my ride is an E-Mountain Bike Ride. However, it is not added in my E-Mountain Bike Ride goal:
But, it is added to the All E-Ride goal. Am I wrong with how this should work?
On the website, under my stats, e-bike stats are being added to ride stats. There is no way to easly track my e-bike and ride stats seperatly.
In the screenshot below my ride miles for this year is 1,947.7 but that is the total for my e-ride and ride miles.
If I click on the e-ride I see 1,135.1 e-ride miles:
However, my ride yearly goal says that I have riden 812 miles this year:
Doing the math, 1,135.1 e-ride miles and 812 ride miles equals 1,947.1 miles which matchs the my ride stats on the website (well, it is off by .6 but who is counting). So, the ride stats on the website seem to be incorrect.
Finally, that stats on the app don't have an e-ride category. The app only has a rides category. The app and website should match.
There are a lot of problems with e-rides! Please fix them!
While I understand there needs to be some separation between the efforts of E-bikes and non E bikes I don't think you've got this right Strava.
I see no reason to have a paid subscription to Strava when, with an E-bike I would need to re-write all the 100's of segments I've ridden on around my home district because we're supposed to start a new category from scratch.
In addition there's no way to compare the rides I'm doing now with anything I've done in the past.
It would simple for you to add an "E" somewhere in the ride description just as there's now a lightning flash for people using a power meter.
Given a year's subscription is now a whopping $99 it's just not worth it for the data we don't get.
Could you please re-think this Strava?
Ok, I love Strava and I show it by being a “premium” subscriptor, but this post is surprising and even hurtful. Strava has actively discriminated e-bike riders in all aspects: segments, ride types, challenges… I just rode a 120km race and my only option is “commute”? And the ride accounts for nothing to challenges? Guys, you need to get better at this. The platform accomplishes so much, but in a world were us the 50 plus people do sports, you need to make sure inclusion is more than a nice word to throw around. I want to be able to mark my UCI-Sanctioned event as a Race, not as “commute”!
I have been riding/racing for 60+ years and I am very competitive with riders younger than me. So, I dominate my local age group segment boards. It takes a lot of hard work and training to do so. BUT, e-bikes post their segment times and take over leaderboards especially in the older age groups. They post times that are sometimes on the 75+ boards that are faster than local pros. Strava does nothing. I have tried to flag them (a laborious process) without any response from Strava that the offending times have been removed. Some are several years old. It may not be a big deal unless you are an older 70+ athlete where most of the age group offenses occur. I have nothing against the idea of e-bikes for getting people out riding but Strava does nothing to police them. A lot of their users know they are posting and are belligerent about it. I have even messaged some of them only to get responses of mind your own business. So where does that leave me …. I hate the fu**ing things.
As a 77 year old Stravarian who now rides an E-bike I sympathize with your concerns Manymotors. There have always been cheats and E-bikes do make it too easy for those who don't record their rides as E-bike rides.
I don't agree with the idea the topic heading here "Why We Love E-bikes on Strava".
The decision by Strava to not allow existing segments to be part of the E-bike ladders has left E-bike riders with no segments and nothing to compare their rides to. I've created a number in the area I ride in but really I'm just riding against myself because Strava just haven't done anything to encourage E bikes.
I've found Strava quite active in removing fake rides, though I suppose it's harder to be definitive about E rides than it is where someone has done a segment in a car.
So my point here is, if Strava made E-bike ladders more challenging, it might reduce the number of cheats by inspiring them over to real E-bike rides.
I do not disagree with Manymotors about people recording rides on e-bikes as if they were regular bikes, that is a side-effect of Strava’s lack of interest in giving e-bikes an appropriate separation.
As an e-bike rider I really do not care about regular segments (I create my own for e-bike) and I could not care less about leaderboards, I just want to ride! What really upsets me is the Challenges not taking into account the rides… most if not all the challenges exclude e-bikes and posting like a couple that have counted them in a period of two or three years is not going to make me change my mind about this. Strava needs to be more proactive and inclusive. Period.