Hello everyone,
I am currently busy with indoor training on my Tacx. Both for better condition but certainly also to greatly improve my FTP and VO2max.
For example, I have done a Tabatata interval training almost every week in the past few weeks. First a good warm-up followed by 3x 9 sessions of 20 seconds >500W, 10 seconds rest and then 10 minutes of easy cycling. At the end I added 2 "intervals" of around my FTP (339W/ 2,83W/kg).
This is also clearly visible in my graphs on the Strava website and on Garmin Connect (sorry). If I look at the same training in my Strava App, it does not correspond to reality at all. I am missing the 2nd interval session here. I do see a small increase but not as the others are displayed.
The graphs of my heart rate/speed and cadence do correspond to each other.
Known problem/ bug?