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(KNOWN ISSUE) Share to Instagram & whatsapp not working


'Copy link' isnt working on newest Android version. Either share via whatsapp.


@Scout I'm also having problems to post on Instagram. It appears an error message saying the server is not responding. This started since last Thursday. I tried on Android phone and from an iPhone.

  • Strava Alumni
  • May 16, 2024

Hey @Snafu & @Jparadacen
Thanks for your posts! Upon research I have found that our engineers are aware of the sharing issue with Instagram and WhatsApp. They are working to resolve it as quickly as possible, although I do not currently have an estimated time for resolution. We will update this post once we have an update. Thank you for your patience. 


Olá @Snafu e @Jparadacen,

Eu também estou tendo esse tipo de problema, não consigo compartilhar o link das minhas atividades com os meus amigos pelo Whatsapp ou Instagram e também não consigo abrir as atividades deles clicando no link  que eles me enviam pelo Whatsapp.

TRANSLATION: I'm also having this type of problem, I can't share the link to my activities with my friends via Whatsapp or Instagram and I also can't open their activities by clicking on the link they send me via Whatsapp.

  • Hub Starter
  • June 20, 2024


I noticed that now I'm unable to share my bike activies from Strava to Instagram Stories using either android or Iphone. Does anyone is also with this problem? The last time I was able to share an actiity to Instagram Stories was last year.. 2023 ;(


Eu também estava tendo esse problema com o Strava, utilizo um Samsung Galaxy S23 Fe com Android na versão 14.
Para resolver o problema eu apenas entrei na configuração das Permissões do Aplicativo Strava e permiti que ele tivesse acesso a tudo no meu aparelho (Atividade Física, contatos, Dispositivos por Perto, Fotos e Vídeos, Localização, Microfone, Música e Áudio, Notificações e Sensores Corporais).

Passo a passo no Android:
1- Clicar sobre o aplicativo Strava e manter pressionado até aparecer a janela de opções.

2- Clicar no ícone de Informações do Aplicativo.

3- Clicar em Permissões.

4- Clicar em cada opção, marcar Permitir / Sempre permitir tudo / Permitir durante o uso do app e depois clicar em voltar ⬅️ (Fazer isso para todas as opções).


5- Após ter clicado em todas as opções e ter marcado para Permitir, basta clicar em voltar ⬅️ até sair da tela de Informações do Aplicativo e voltar para tela de aplicativos do celular.

Espero que dê certo para vocês também...

Comentem aqui se deu certo para vocês para que a gente possa ajudar outras pessoas que também estão tendo esse mesmo problema.

TRANSLATION: Hello, I was also having this problem with Strava, I use a Samsung Galaxy S23 Fe with Android version 14. To solve the problem, I just went into the Strava App Permissions configuration and allowed it to have access to everything on my device (Physical Activity, contacts, Nearby Devices, Photos and Videos, Location, Microphone, Music and Audio, Notifications and Sensors Body).

Step by step on Android:

1- Click on the Strava application and keep pressed until the options window appears.
2- Click on the Application Information icon.
3- Click on Permissions.
4- Click on each option, check Allow / Always allow everything / Allow while using the app and then click back ‌⬅️‌ (Do this for all options).
5- After clicking on all the options and marking Allow, just click back ‌⬅️‌ until you exit the Application Information screen and return to the cell phone applications screen.

I hope it works out for you too... Comment here if it worked for you so that we can help other people who are also having the same problem.


No meu aparelho com a versão 14 do Android eu consegui resolver fazendo o que coloquei no Passo a Passo que enviei.

TRANSLATION: On my device with Android version 14, I managed to solve it by doing what I included in the Step by Step I sent.

  • Hub Starter
  • July 10, 2024

Hello Strava Community,

It appears that the "Share to Instagram & WhatsApp" feature is experiencing issues on the newest Android version, with the "Copy link" function not working as expected. Users have reported that sharing via WhatsApp is also problematic. We recommend installing the premium Instagram app for a smoother experience, as it often receives updates and fixes more promptly than the standard version. Visit the app store to download and ensure you're using the most reliable version available.

Best Regards!!

  • Hub Starter
  • July 10, 2024

Hi everyone in the Strava community,

The "Copy link" option does not seem to be functioning as intended on the most recent Android version, suggesting that there are problems with the "Share to Instagram & WhatsApp" feature. It has also been noted by users that sharing over WhatsApp presents challenges. For a more seamless experience, we advise downloading the premium version of Instagram, which frequently gets updates and fixes faster than the regular edition. To download and make sure you're using the most dependable version available, visit the app store.

Warm Regards!

  • Hub Starter
  • July 22, 2024

Strava is not sharing to social media via Android. I have cleared cache, logged out. 

It only "sometimes" shares directly to an Instagram followers and not stories. 

This keeps happening 


Pra compartilhar por whatsapp até funciona, mas vem um link bem longo, agora ao abrir links enviados por whatsapp do tipo "" aparece erro ao abrir

  • Hub Starter
  • August 1, 2024

soo anoyying 😞 no solution
do you find any solution for cannot share via instagram and whatsapp anymore? in my phone, only facebook

  • Hub Starter
  • August 1, 2024

Nope.. there is no solution for this, It's been more than 2 months that I'm unable to share my bike activities no Intagram Stories. Funny thing that this is happening on Android and Iphone.


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