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Silver Crown KOMs

  • Hub Rookie
  • 2 replies

As many of you know a segment can become “stale” e.g.: a trail has been changed so that a challenge for the KOM is impossible and making a new segment doesn't work cause it'll be repopulated by the older rides. Awarding a Silver Crown KOM to the leader in the segment for the calendar year. This might spark some competition there where it otherwise is not. I’d love to hear if anyone thinks this is a good idea.

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  • Hub Expert
  • 571 replies
  • March 17, 2025

This has been done before and was widely disliked.  It was then removed (one of the few times Strava ever actually listened to its members and undid something they had added).  The whole first part of the year, it just flooded people with achievements since they were the fastest so far this year despite not actually being very fast.  It essentially watered down other achievements since they just got lost in the clutter.  There is already a way to sort the leaderboards by this year if people want to see it.  

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  • Hub Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • March 17, 2025

Thanks for that answer, I don’t recall that program and I have been playing Strava for a long time now. And what other achievements would that water down? Local Legend? 

  • Hub Expert
  • 571 replies
  • March 17, 2025

@Dang - Here is a thread that has a lot of discussion on this topic and includes some information on the history from back when it was in place.  There are a number of people advocating for a rolling 365-day KOM/QOM type thing, but that has its own issues.  As far as what it would water down, that would be everything else including regular KOMs.  When I look at someone’s ride and see a trophy, I know it means something significant.  If there is suddenly a bunch of extra trophies on the list that are just annual achievements, it will take away from the visibility of the “real” ones.  Just my feeling though.   Add ability to view KOM/QOM on an annual basis / rolling 365 day KOM/QOM | Community


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  • Hub Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • March 17, 2025

Thanks anchskier, clearly I don’t have an original idea. And clearly the problem of staleness is not resolved. Seems like there would be a way to create a clean enough way to do it. We are getting bored out here!

  • Hub Rookie
  • 21 replies
  • March 18, 2025

This is a great idea, and wouldn't water down other achievements of you made it a "rolling kom." Here's why: 

At best, with a rolling KOM, you'd probably see a crown once a year, as the top effort would be compared to the top efforts from the last 365 days. When that super-fast time "timed out," you'd have all the other times that came in right behind it over the last 364 days to beat before earning the KOM.

Advantages to a rolling KOM system:

  • That super-unachievable KOM earned with a rare 120mph tailwind and all the traffic lights setting up perfect will live on as the All-Time KOM (nice work!), but mere mortals will still be able to compete in a meaningful way on a dynamic playing field.
  • Motivates riders to keep working (at least every 365 days), rather than just KOM hunt and rest on their laurels.
  • Recognizes that terrain changes over time, and maybe a KOM from 10 years ago isn't realistic today because a trail has completely changed due to re-routes, erosion, etc.
  • It accounts for seasonality by encompassing the last 364 days which includes the end of last season and the beginning of this season, no matter what season in whichever hemisphere you put that effort down.
  • Allows you to notice when your buddy is kicking *ss out there because they get the fastest freaking time in the last 365 days! something that might be utterly lost otherwise because the All-Time Top 10 is stacked with impressive but unachievable 1-off Herculean efforts.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 21 replies
  • March 18, 2025

A related way to re-simulate engagement is awarding "Crown Jewels":



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