The sign of a great conversation can be as simple as a nod of agreement or a smile that indicates a shared understanding. Moments like these help us understand we're on the same wavelength and each receiving value from our discussion.
Here in Community Hub the simple act of giving a post a kudo serves as our way to acknowledge we the reader have received value and appreciate the effort of the writer. Whether you like to give kudos or receive them the power of that π speaks volumes.
For the month of March, let's celebrate and appreciate those members who have received the most kudos for their contributions during this time.
Here is the Top 20 Kudoed Authors leaderboard for March:
π Thank you for all your contributions that received kudos from other members:
@marcb @dwozn @CreakyCrank @Shant @sagrah541 @AlTilley @martl43 @rrajao @peacay @velocipederider @Purrenrage @fgallardo @anchskier @Silentvoyager @ChrisBerry @plants4jim @biciklanto @chefnavi @BeerDChamp @Siij
If you're ever interested to see who's on the Kudos Leaderboard then check out our Top Kudoed Authors component.
You can find this throughout the Community Hub on the Home Page, Basecamp, Help and Ideas and Developers landing pages plus on any Forum Discussion board. The View all allows you to view the leaderboard by different time periods too.
Keep using those kudos to show your appreciation for another member's contributions.