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The best thank you is ‌👍‌ shaped!

  • Strava Alumni
  • 43 replies

Ever been in that situation where someone gives you a thank you and then you instantly say thank you back? Or is it just me who instantly feels the need to say thank you back as a way to offset my blushes. Either way it's really a nice compliment when you receive a thank you and can turn an average day into a better one. 

Behold the 👍! And all those who bestow it. 

Last month we celebrated our Highest Kudoed Members for March. This month it's time to say thank you to our Top Members in April who have shown their appreciation to other Community members by giving their post a kudos. 

We love to see our members' posts receiving kudos from other community members as well as us. Unfortunately, sometimes a page view doesn't tell whether a post was actually valuable to the reader. So we encourage everyone to click that Kudos button at the bottom of a post if you enjoyed reading it or feel the same about the topic. 

Here is the Top 20 Kudo Givers leaderboard for April 👏

🙌 Thank you for sharing your appreciation to other members' posts by clicking the kudos button. 
@zecanard @astridsasse @Jan_Mantau @jwrjordan @Tomasz11 @Jose11 @Brendan11 @VelkyElegan @Runner @Torreyc @JB69 @orangespaceman @markhsteele @LandonE @Joan @Vinileyro @segmentHuntr @drakewla @henrik11 @holstein13 

Keep using those kudos to show your appreciation for another member's contributions. 👍

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