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Different icon for a paused ride

Mt. Kenya

Dear Strava-Team.

I recently had the issue of not noticing that i forgot to restart my paused roade bike ride, becase i obviously did not tap the "continue" button on my mobile app correctly. And since the small icon at the top edge of the cellphone screen (circle-icon notification) is the same when the app is paused as it is when it's recording i did not figure the status of the mobile app correctly. My fault in the firtst place. 

I think it could be helpful if the icon would point out the different status of the app by showing a differet icon. It already does when "auto pause" is applied. 

Maybe you could find a solution for this rare issue, even if i know most riders record with a different device, but mobile/cell phone, it would be a big help for app recordings.


My best regards,

Daniel aka Yung Ullrich 🌹


Moderator Moderator

Hello @YungUllrich 

Thanks for posting about this. Sorry to hear a portion of your ride wasn't recorded. I know that's frustrating.

Can you confirm you were recording with the Strava Mobile App for Android or IOS? In those cases, you should see a red "stopped" banner or "autopause" banner across the top of the recording screen to alert you the App is not currently recording.  See screenshots below:

















I hope that's helpful information.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

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