08-15-2024 01:12 PM
I tried it by creating a Webhook using a pho script but it was unable to verify the callback url for the webhook. in the Json return not verifiable. I need help for to fixed.
08-16-2024 01:30 PM
FYI - There are some strava API issues going on at the moment so you might want to wait for those to get resolved as it might not be a problem with your code. See https://communityhub.strava.com/t5/developer-discussions/aug-15th-2024-api-issues/td-p/38277
08-16-2024 10:21 AM
It would be helpful if you provided more information. Ideally you could copy your php script here (remove any private info), for this portion of the flow it should be relatively short. Also a copy of the returned JSON error you're getting.
08-15-2024 03:49 PM
Hi, I am getting the same error. Have you made any head way? Are there any people from Strava that can help? @Misha
08-16-2024 06:26 PM
Hi, I solved the problem. The issue was with my PHP script regarding the hub.challenge
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