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What does the Bike field in activities.csv mean?


I did a bulk export of my activity data the other day. The activities.csv file contains a numeric Bike field. Here's a little sample (I've already converted Distance to kilometers):

"Activity Date","Activity Type","Kilometers","Bike"
"Mar 10, 2024, 6:03:02 PM","Ride","36.24","8208731.0"
"Mar 11, 2024, 5:09:48 PM","Ride","58.41","12267983.0"
"Mar 13, 2024, 4:34:40 PM","Ride","37.99","12267983.0"
"Mar 15, 2024, 8:31:56 PM","Ride","16.88","13980728.0"
"Mar 16, 2024, 1:40:17 PM","Ride","44.69","12267983.0"

I haven't been able to figure out how the Bike field values map to any of my bikes. Looking in bikes.csv I see no id or key column which might be used to in a database join. My small searches in the API documenation yielded nothing either.

I can manually map the numbers to my actual bikes by comparing individual records in activities.csv with what I see in my online activities, but that's clearly going to be suboptimal.

There must be some way to map these values to actual bikes in an automated fashion. Any pointers appreciated. 



How you can get the bike IDs and names with the API is described in where you retrieve a SummaryGear.

On the website you can go into the setup of each gear and there you see the bike id in the browser URL.

View solution in original post



How you can get the bike IDs and names with the API is described in where you retrieve a SummaryGear.

On the website you can go into the setup of each gear and there you see the bike id in the browser URL.

On the website you can go into the setup of each gear and there you see the bike id in the browser URL.

I thought a bit more about this. It's not a huge deal for me. I have about ten bikes and was only dumping my activities. Suppose someone had a bunch of bikes, 20? 30? which they have used over the years. For one reason or another, they decide to delete their account. It could be days/weeks/months until they realize they can't actually identify the bike they used on a particular ride.

Is there some way I can file a bug report with Strava?

Thanks. Still has me scratching my head why the bike id isn't a field in the bikes.csv file. Seems like a bug in the database query that generates it.