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Status: Open To Voting


it seems Strava does not have an in-activity segment rep counter, for example for doing hill repeats in an Everesting. Please implement, and make available to e.g. Garmin and others for their data screen perusal.

To be very specific:

  1. data to be available DURING the ride
  2. when a Strava segment is completed during the ride, the count is set to "1" behind the scenes for that segment
  3. if the rider is doing segment repeats during the same ride, the next time in the same ride the segment is completed, the count is set to "2", and so on
  4. this count should be made available to e.g. Garmin and others so that it can be used in data screens DURING the ride
  5. this count should be included in Strava segment data screens, e.g.
    1. SEGMENT "Climb to the sky" started. Count: 2 competed this ride.
    2. SEGMENT "Climb to the sky" completed. Count: 3 competed this ride

The above is especially relevant for hill repeats such as Everestings, where the same Strava segment is repeated multiple times until a certain total elevation gain is reached. For long climbs/few segments, the rider can easily keep track of the count without assistance, but for shorter climbs with >100 repeats, data assistance would be very valuable.

For example, I did an Everesting 10k with 309 segment repeats without the above tool. Not easy to keep the count there!



Status changed to: New Idea
Moderator Moderator

Hello @Andreas-SWE-NOR 

Thanks so much for your post.

 It’s not entirely clear from your post what you’re suggesting.  Do you mind elaborating and including more details on the topic? We kindly ask that you review our Ideas guidelines, particularly the “What makes a good idea” section, to ensure that your ideas are clear, concise, and can reach as many others as possible.

Do you envision this counter as something an Athlete sees during the recording, or after upload?

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Hi Jane, point taken, but for me "in-activity" and "in-ride" definitively means "during the ride". I have updated the idea text with more details. Thanks 😃

Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

Thanks for the clarification. Your idea has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Please note the following: 

  • We read and review all ideas
  • We receive a large number of ideas, and even some very popular ideas will not make it to the implementation stage
  • Popular ideas (ideas that get lots of votes) will be regularly surfaced to our Product Teams for review
  • The number of votes an idea gets is only one factor that’s considered when we plan our roadmap
  • When we receive updates from our Product Teams on the status of an idea, we will share as much information as we can
  • We strive to be transparent as possible, but please remember that we may not explain or justify why we might prioritize the development of some features over others

For more information, please review our Guide to Ideas.

Note: The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. 

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team