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Status: Open To Voting


I'm looking for a way to have these statistics included with my runs on strava.

I use strava to record my running and view statistics which is great.

First I started using the strava Apple Watch app but it didn't include these extra statistics. I know for example Garmin watches can sync these data to strava running activities, but don't want to buy a new watch and wondered if this is also possible with my Apple Watch. I found out that the workout app on iOS 16.1 and Apple Watch 9.1 includes this data, but not all data is synced to strava .

Is this already on the roadmap or hopefully a good idea to add :)?

Kind regards



UPDATE FROM STRAVA (March 18, 2024)

Hello and thank you to everyone who has added their comments and feedback to this topic.

First, we want to say that we appreciate you all reaching out on this matter and sharing your thoughts. We absolutely understand the value of having as much of your activity data on Strava as possible, and how many of our athletes use an Apple Watch to record that data. We do want to let you know that we are committed to improving both the Strava Watch app experience and the integration we have with the Apple Workout app (Healthkit). 

Our team is pushing forward to streamline and improve the user experience with the Strava watch app, making recording and syncing activities easier for athletes. We are also investigating how best to bring over more data from Healthkit to Strava, particularly with the releases of watchOS 9 and watchOS 10. 

We will continue to work towards these goals and monitor this thread. Please be on the lookout for improvements to the Apple Watch experience in the coming year. 

Mt. Kenya

Yeah, I gave up on Strava Premium and glad I did since this is still an issue.


It’s frustrating that I can see my running cadence in the Apple fitness app but not on my Strava upload - even as a premium subscriber. I don’t understand why it’s uploaded for Garmin’s but not Apple Watches!


It’s because Strava has chosen to ignore this along with power data from Apple health uploads. 

If you sync your activities recorded via your watch to HealthFit 1st and then to Strava, all metrics are available. 

The assumption here is Strava are getting a paid via garmin to limit the Apple data sync yet they’re not admitting so and keeping quiet on the subject. 

Mt. Kenya

Hey! Realizing now that I can record my watts/power for my rides and use my power meter connected to my Apple Watch and Apple fitness it doesnt import into Strava. It would be great if that data was included with my heart rate! I am a little surprised it doesnt.... 



Hey, there's actually an existing request for a while now, please vote for it, hopefully it will help -


Via powermeter 173 avg watts vs Strava est 132 avg watts .. that’s 24% low !!

please enable power via Apple Watch 




Moderator Moderator


Thank you so much for your helpful advice.  We appreciate it!

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Well, this data appears to less important than dark mode. 😅

Mt. Kenya

Pretty sad you can get around this with HealthFit, a third party app.  What is the excuse for taking the data from that app but not Apple fitness?? Not a good look. 

Mt. Kenya

Maybe time to move along or start a we want this feature run group 😂



Ezel86 yes 100%. I sent an email to the Strava Support email, requesting these features, and that we have been waiting long enough while other "Upgrades" such as Dark Mode are being implemented..... I suggest everyone does the same, please email the Strava Support team and demand that this be implemented. I honestly don't know what else to do, they have been completely silent on this subject, I don't understand....

Hopefully with new management this will finally happen. There is a new CEO (Michael Martin) since the beginning of the year, he will be our savior (supposedly). 

He did say in an interview, when asked what he wanted as his legacy with Strava, that the thing holding Strava back is nothing but a "lack of awareness".  I would say this is true on many aspects, including a lack of awareness to listen to this community board with ideas that have hundreds of Likes...


@MathieuT444 thanks for mentioning this, I've looked up an interview with the new CEO based on your comment and it sounds promising. Fingers crossed, this has been a loooong wait. 

Mt. Kenya

Sorry Strava, but this topic is ridiculous! Why is it such a thing to Import Data like Power/Cadence from an Applewatch? 

Mt. Kenya

Strava, you need to implement this asap. I need the data from Apple Watch from my bicycle rides (Power, Cadence) to be uploaded to Strava. I get completely different Power estimates from power meter throu Apple Watch than Strava estimates. I am very likely to drop the service if this is not added and just use Apple Watch  and Activities as inaccurate data is useless to me. Fix this please