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Status: Open To Voting

There needs to be an update of various levels for climbing (as has previously been done with distance challenges) in the cycling monthly challenges as 7,500m can be done without any real effort depending on your location. 


Yes, I would like Everst and Half Everst for trail running too. I usually finish the currently existing 2000m challenge in a week or less. 

Mt. Kenya

I was planning on doing my first 200km run challenge next month but I see they’re all gone. Same for the 300km. I use this app to push myself, please bring back the challenges! 

Mt. Kenya

Including "WALKS" in "RUN" challenges is just plain wrong instead of being inclusive.

Maybe the issue is that there's in contrast to have separate "RUN" and "WALK" only "WHEELCHAIR" as an activity type? So that you need to dilute the challenge instead of having two different activity types for wheelchair users as well? Which then could count either to "RUN" or "WALK".


@michael-simons since Strava is starting to count so many activities, which is a good thing, they're going to have to stratify challenges across dozens of activities. Conversely they could consolidate into just a handful. For the two main ones I figure Stride (run, walk, hike) or Ride (2 wheels or more). I walk 10km a day at a good clip, I see joggers run past me much faster, but there's also some really slow runners that I pass. So who defines what a run is? Locally we have a mountain with a really steep hike (800m over 2km). I can sprint up it at my heart rate is at slightly beyond threshold for 45 minutes. Is that a hike or a run and who defines the difference? If I record it as a hike it doesn't count towards a monthly challenge. No easy answers, but I think what Strava has now is a bit of a mess

Mt. Kenya

@Rixter Absolutely agree!

The non-distinct projection from activities into badges is what makes things messy for me and what ultimately makes it impossible to participate in two challenges that count the same activities, which is a shame (at least for me, I do enjoy all of running, hiking and just casually walking).

Btw a friend of mine pointed out that I may sound offensive to some in my post above. I'm sorry if it comes a long that way.

Stupid thing that a badge may be such trigger, but alas, it's a sign that people like the idea as whole.

Mt. Kenya

If it's not challenging, then it isn't challenge. I understand that there are people that can't always fulfil all the challenges, I can't either, but I'm trying. Just pick the ones that are appropriate to you. You don't have to ruin it for others. Why should people who can do more be denied opportunity to push themselves further? 

Mt. Kenya

Hi, I have been Strava user for about three years and I have started from zero to minimum fitness level. Bigger challenges such as 1250 km per month was just perfect because it made me work more for it. It is called CHALLENGE with the reason. I have a different job now and am not able to make it anymore, but that doesn't mean I will not try it first chance I get. Lowering those kilometres Strava is not doing anything good. 

You can add 800, 1000 km, but what about all the users that really need the challenges? If 200 km is something I can do in one or two days, then that is not a challenge. 

I understand that there will always be users with injuries or any health issues, but in that case they can take easier challenge.

I really hope whoever is reading this understand my point.

Thank you for your time.

Mt. Kenya

@Scout seems to me this remains a burning topic, with no conclusion. Why are you choosing to dumb down strava goals. The 400km was a goal I may or may not make, depending on effort I put it in. It was always a good motivation on those months. For a paying subscriber, should I just seek alternatives?


Agree with many of the comments here. I think there is real value different options for different activities ranging from low to high values. The consolidation that has happened in recent months doesn’t help many trying to reach/maintain their goals on a monthly basis.

making these changes is reducing one of the most successful gamification tools Strava offers. 

Mt. Kenya

I've already commented on this thread but I really don't understand the need to reduce the number of challenges at all? I disagree with making the challenges easier (less distance required, more sports accepted) but I'm fine with it overall. It's annoying but not the worst. What I can't understand is why Strava feel the need to reduce the number of challenges? It's clearly not a capacity issue as they're more than happy to allow every brand under the sun access for data farming, so why is it? I can't fathom any reason for this other than to make the service worse. Hope this is rectified by February as I've already cleared the 100km running this month and have nowhere else to go.


Perhaps it’s the same rationale that’s being used to end testing in schools. Don't want anyone to feel left out or offended. Make it so that everybody gets a participation ribbon 🙄

Mt. Kenya

People these days are just too sensitive and if they are not able to do something, then no one should do it. Get real and if you can't cycle 1250 km a month then take easier challenge. It is that simple! Stop complaining! Strava should have certain standard and work on it to be better and motivate people to be active. You are not motivating many ppl with degrading kilometers/miles.

Mt. Kenya

@MirtaBlue @Rixter I don’t think I’ve seen anyone being “sensitive” or “offended” and asking for the more difficult challenges to be removed. I agree that they should be reinstated, but I don’t think setting up strawmen is going to bring them back. 

Mt. Kenya

@MattW5 you may not call it sensitive, but I am. I just wish Strava would bring back 1250 km distance challenge and even more, so that other users can enjoy the app. As I wrote before, Strava shouldn't have removed it, but simply add 600K, 800K or whatever. There should be challenges for everyone not only for those that are not able to cycle more.

Peace ✌🏻

Mt. Kenya

Please bring back 200k and 300k running achievements. I've been only doing 100k running for a few years and I have only achieved the 200k once but it has always been something that motivated me. Not having the achievement makes my motivation to run suffer. I'm still going to try to improve but the role Strava plays in my workouts would lessen. I let it slide this year when the time came to renew my subscription - so it automatically updated. Next time I'll remember this problem and will likely take the effort to cancel the auto-renewal. I will still use Strava as a non-paid member.