07-22-2024 06:03 PM
Over the past two+ weeks (during July 2024) I've uploaded many geotagged pics, using the Strava app on a Samsung S23 (Android) device, and when viewing the event maps via browser-on-desktop, the image thumbnails do not show up on the maps. Please note that the images in question were taken hundred of miles from my residence and so were nowhere close to a "hidden portion of the activity".
08-01-2024 08:54 AM
Thanks for info. Though, I have not changed phone, nor camera app. The camera app I'm using is the stock "camera" app on Samsung's android distro (for S23, all updates applied). Inspecting the photos in Google Photos confirms location metadata is indeed in the photo files. Is there perhaps some setting within Strava one needs to invoke in order to have photo locations shown on activity maps? (I believe this was once working for me a while back...?)
07-24-2024 09:19 AM
Hi @JeffH
Thanks for your post and sorry to hear of the difficulty. Have you recently changed the device you are using to take these photos? Strava can reliably interpret geo information on photos taken with the default camera apps on Android and iOS. We occasionally see situations where Strava is unable to interpret the geo data in photos when the Geo information has been manually added to the photos. In these situations, we recommend reformatting the geo information in the photos or using a different program to add the geo data.
For reliable results with this feature, we recommend using the camera app on your phone to produce reliably formatted geo data in your photos.
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