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Photos on profile

Mt. Kenya

Hello! (This is my first forum post!)

I've been using strava for years now and love it, i love all the features for the premium version too. But i was wondering if there is any way we somthing could be updated so that we can view all our photos on our profile not just the most recent 100. this would be awesome as then it would make looking back alot easier. i'm not computor savvy but in my head just thinking about i can't think of any reasons not to? it'd be awesome if somthing could be updated. 





Hi @samRunner1234 thanks for your post and welcome to the Community! Strava only displays 100 of your most recent photos on your profile page to decrease the stress on our servers and prevent timeouts. However, all of your photos are still available on the activity page where they were uploaded so when you go through activities, the media will still appear there. Strava does not delete or remove any photos. 

This sounds like the perfect idea to share to our Ideas Board so that others can also vote on your idea. We kindly ask that you review our Idea Guidelines, particularly the “What makes a good idea” section, to ensure that your ideas are clear, concise, and can reach as many others as possible.

Thank you for your contribution, we value your input.


View solution in original post


Mt. Kenya

If we can’t get more than 100 photos. It would be nice to curate them.

Please add your suggestion to this existing Idea.

Mt. Kenya

How are user photos displayed in bulk?   I don't even see a way to display 100 other than going into each activity.   I'd like to relief you of the stress in your servers 😉

In the app, opening a photo from the profile page will open all photos in List or Grif view, allowing you to quickly scroll through them.


@Soren Reducing the stress on your servers??? Isnt Strava meant to be the biggest and best social sports app in the world?? Sounds like your operating out of mum and dads garage.

Showing all photos should be Stravas #1 priority! Especially when you charge us $100 a year. jezuz


Hi @samRunner1234 thanks for your post and welcome to the Community! Strava only displays 100 of your most recent photos on your profile page to decrease the stress on our servers and prevent timeouts. However, all of your photos are still available on the activity page where they were uploaded so when you go through activities, the media will still appear there. Strava does not delete or remove any photos. 

This sounds like the perfect idea to share to our Ideas Board so that others can also vote on your idea. We kindly ask that you review our Idea Guidelines, particularly the “What makes a good idea” section, to ensure that your ideas are clear, concise, and can reach as many others as possible.

Thank you for your contribution, we value your input.


I understand this solution, but find it frustrating since paying as a subscriber. Just noticed this the other day & was bummed. They still never added messaging that was talked about yrs ago.